peleburan | melting, iron works |
peleburan | |||
peleburan ablasi | ablation melting |
peleburan secara horisontal | horizontal merger |
amalgams, consolidation, furnace, fusion, kiln, melting, merger, smelter, smelters, smelting |
Contohsementara sel proto B melakukan peleburan, okay? while protocell B does the fusing, okay?
tentang peleburan jiwa kami about the fusion of our souls
jika Anda mau melakukannya tanpa pabrik peleburan besi. if you want to do it yourself and you don't have a smelting plant.
dengan peleburan gambaran - gambaran mental with the profusion of images
Anda sedang melihat rumah sel pabrik peleburan aluminium modern. You're looking at the cell house of a modern aluminum smelter.