Indonesian to English
peluncuran blast off shooting
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Related Word(s)

glissade, launch, launched, launching


peluncuran rekaman tradisional.
the release of a traditional record.
Saya di sini untuk menyaksikan peluncuran
I was here to see the launch
Jika cuaca berubah sebelum peluncuran
Now, in case the weather changes before the launch,
Dan saya ingin membagikan peristiwa peluncuran ini kepada Anda.
And I would like to share with you a launch.
Kunci peluncuran misil nuklir Rusia.
Russian nuclear launch key:
dalam peluncuran Yayasan 46664
in the launch of Nelson Mandela's
sebelum peluncuran Hubble
before the launch of Hubble.
peluncuran sebuah penemuan baru dari Microsoft Research,
the launch of a new invention from Microsoft Research,
saat peluncuran, setelah peluncuran, setelah peluncuran roket.
of rocket launch after rocket launch after rocket launch.
Joel Levine: Inilah peluncuran dari Pusat Antariksa Kennedy di Florida.
Joel Levine: This is a launch from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
Mari memulainya sungguh-sungguh." Itu merupakan peluncuran resmi kami.
Let's start for real." That was our official launch.
fokus-fokus grup dalam peluncuran produk baru,
focus-grouping new product launches,
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