pembimbing | |||
pembimbingan | leading |
advisers, guidance, guide, guiding, mentor, suffer, supervising, tutors, tutorship |
ContohItu sebabnya jumlah pembimbing menjadi banyak dengan sangat cepat. So that's partly why the tutor corps grew so fast.
Kami masih ada pembimbing yang lain. So then we still had more tutors to use.
Ini satu gambar beberapa pembimbing dalam salah satu kegiatan. This is a shot of just some of the tutors during one of the events.
"Kalau begitu, kami ada 1400 pembimbing dalam jadwal. "Well, we've got 1,400 people on our tutor roster.
"Saya perlu 12 pembimbing untuk lima Minggu ke depan. "I need 12 tutors for the next five Sundays.
Kemudian kita sebar informasi itu: 1400 pembimbing. So we put that out on the wire: 1,400 tutors.
Saya kira kita punya 170 pembimbing bekerja untuk buku ini I think we had about 170 tutors that worked on this book with them
pembimbing saya mengatakan, at which my graduate adviser said,
Kekhawatiran pembimbing saya Now my adviser's concern
pembimbing di universitas saya mengatakan, I had a college adviser tell me,
adalah sesuatu yang saya tanyakan kepada pembimbing ilmiah saya: was something that I asked my scientific advisers:
Saya ingin melatih pembimbing psiko-sosial. I would train psycho-social counselors,
dan memasukkan pembimbing psiko-sosial. and psycho-social counselors to the system.
Ini berarti, melatih kembali semua pembimbing ini. This means, certainly, to retrain all health staff.
Dan pembimbing lainnya setelah pelatihan ini berkata, And another counselor said to me after the training,