Indonesian to English
pemuka leader, promoter
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  1. jago
    (ayam jantan, jagoan, juara, jawara, kampiun)
  2. pelopor
  3. pemimpin
  4. penganjur
  5. pionir
  6. tokoh
  7. zaim
pemuka jemaatclergymen

Related Word(s)

chief, chiefs, figures, his, leader, leaders, leading, nobles, princes, rulers, succoth, taken


setidaknya oleh para pemuka semua agama di dunia.
of major religious leaders from all the traditions of the world.
Dia pemuka suku Menominee,
She was a leader of the Menominee tribe,
tapi akhirnya para pemuka lingkungan berkumpul bersama,
but ultimately the leaders of the community came together,
pemuka agama bertemu, mereka berdebat tentang doktrin
religious leaders come together, they're arguing about abstruse doctrines
dari pemuka agama, pemimpin politik,
from their religious leaders, their political leaders,
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