pengatur | regulator, controller, arranger |
pengatur | |||
pengatur arus | current-regulation |
pengatur dinamo | generator regulator |
pengatur jarak | spacer |
pengatur kecepatan | governor of velocity |
pengatur kembali | reorganizer |
pengatur lampu-beam | headlight beam control |
pengatur otomat | automatic regulation |
pengatur rangkai cabang | shunt-regulator |
pengatur siasat | schemer |
pengatur suhu | heating-controll |
pengatur tegangan | regulating-voltage |
pengatur tenaga | load governor |
pengatur voluma | volume control |
pengatur voluma otomatis | automatic volume control |
pengatur volume otomat | automatic volume-control |
pengatur waktu | timer |
pengatur-induksi | induction-regulator |
pengaturan | arrangement |
pengaturan arus | current regulation |
pengaturan buang | exhaust-gear |
answer, belongeth, belongs, controller, deserves, governing, light, lucre, management, manager, officers, regulators, rewards, whatever, whatsoever |
ContohDan inilah alat pengatur udara dari pohon willow Inggris. And this is an English willow air diffuser,
dari semua organ pengatur-kehidupan of all the life-regulation devices
namun karena kita tidak dapat membunuh pengatur lalu lintas -- (Tawa) but because we can't kill traffic wardens — (Laughter) —
tangki air, pengatur udara, dan semua itu.; and the water tanks and the air handlers, and all of that.
Sama seperti mereset ulang alat pengatur panas. It's like resetting a thermostat.
adalah pengatur utama politik, menuju ke Perjanjian Westphalia, was the sort of organizing political force to the Treaty of Westphalia,
seakan ia memiliki sebuah alat pengatur panas, as if it had a thermostat,
dalam perangkat pengatur pengetahuan dan kreativitas. with tools for managing knowledge and creativity.