Indonesian to English
pengeboman see BOM 1.
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pengeboman penghancuran sasaransaturation bombing

Related Word(s)

bombardment, bombing, bombings


Alat tersebut memungkinkan akurasi pengeboman
It allowed you to bomb only those things
Dari 22 misi pengeboman,
And over the course of 22 bombing missions,
Yang berarti dalang dari pengeboman tersebut tidak benar-benar bisa dihukum
That meant that the culprits couldn't really be prosecuted
Rentetan pengeboman tersebut akhirnya berhenti -- ini fakta -- karena aksi ini.
The bombs actually stopped -- fact -- because of this action.
dimana para korban Semtex, dari peristiwa pengeboman IRA
where some victims of Semtex, of the Provisional IRA bombings,
sampai pengeboman Samarra dalam
until the Samarra bombings in the
40 tahun pengeboman dan penculikan
40 years' worth of bombings and kidnappings
Setelah pengeboman Pearl Harbor, hanya perlu empat hari
After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, it just took four days
dan operasi pengeboman Amerika.
and American bombing campaigns.
untuk mengungsi dari kota karena ancaman pengeboman Amerika selama tiga hari.
to evacuate the city because of impending American bombing for three days.
Alasan mereka tentang pengeboman Amerika tidak sepenuhnya melenceng.
The reason that they gave about American bombing wasn't all that far off.
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