Indonesian to English
penghambat barrier, obstacle
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penghambat elektriselectrical resistor
penghambat karboncarbon resistor
penghambat motivasidemotivation
penghambat saput karboncarbon-film resistor
penghambat terubahkanvariable resistor

Related Word(s)

barrier, block, blockers, compounds, constrain, distribution, impediment, inhibitors, naturally, obstacles, retarding, stopper


sel yang cukup kecil, sel penghambat, yang membuat diam sel tetangganya.
a fairly small cell, an inhibitory cell, that quiets its neighbors.
di mana dia berfungsi sebagai penghambat.
and the one that is inhibitory.
Rerumputan ini mengeluarkan zat penghambat pertumbuhan dari akarnya
It exudes [unclear]-like compounds from the roots.
dan bagian-bagian penghambat belum muncul.
and the inhibitory parts haven't come on yet.
Dan hal seperti inilah yang menjadi penghambat.
And so that's sort of working in the opposite direction.
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