Indonesian to English
penjuru angle, corner
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  1. arah
    (cita-cita, hadap, haluan, jurusan, kiblat, kompas, mata angin, niat, panduan, pedoman, petunjuk, aspek, faktor, orientasi, penjuru, pihak, sebelah, segi, sisi, sudut, tala, arti, juntrungan, maksud, tembak, ujung pangkal)
  2. pelosok
  3. pojok
  4. sanding
  5. sudut
  6. tepas

Related Word(s)

avenue, bounds, capstone, confines, corner, corners, cornerstone, defile, diagonals, directions, earth, faced, feet, homes, its, land, over, quarter, quarters, ravine, regions, rest, round, several, side, sides, through, together, upon, winds


tapi, anda yang sekarang ada disini, berasal dari berbagai penjuru dunia
but you're sitting here from every corner of the world.
Dia berenang ke semua penjuru sampai akhirnya sampai di landasan.
He's swimming down every avenue until he finally gets to the platform.
dari seluruh penjuru dunia
from all over the world
silang-menyilang di antara kota-kota dari segala penjuru.
criss-crossing cities in all directions.
bagaimana kita bisa menghuni semua penjuru bumi,
how did we come to occupy every corner of the globe,
meninggalkan benua Afrika dan mengisi seluruh penjuru dunia.
left the African continent to go out and populate the rest of the world.
Namun tentu saja, kita telah menyebar ke setiap penjuru bumi
But of course, we've spread to every corner of the globe
dari segala penjuru Afrika, yang merupakan bagian dari tim ini sekarang,
from all over Africa, who are part of this team now --
ke berbagai negara di Eropa dan segala penjuru dunia.
to all kinds of countries in Europe and the rest of the world.
dan orang-orang datang dari seluruh penjuru kota,
and people came out from all over the city,
benar-benar dari seluruh penjuru dunia --
literally every corner of the world --
lantas mereka mulai mengirimi kami email dari segala penjuru negeri,
and then they started emailing us from all over the country,
Saya pergi ke lima negara di berbagai penjuru dunia.
I went to five countries around the world.
raja Babilonia, raja keempat penjuru dunia."
king of Babylon, king of the four quarters of the world."
raja yang kuat, raja keempat penjuru dunia?
the king of the four quarters of the world going to do?
kemiskinan di penjuru dunia ini.
of poverty in these parts of the world.
di seluruh penjuru bumi.
across the planet.
dan kami dilempari batu oleh ratusan orang dari segala penjuru.
and stoned them, by hundreds of people all over the place.
Atau bisnis di berbagai penjuru dunia membuka kantornya di China.
or businesses in the rest of the world opening offices in China --
Dan maksud saya adalah buku di segala penjuru rumah.
And I mean books everywhere around the house.
Akan kujerat mockingbird di seluruh penjuru negara
I'm going to trap mockingbirds all across the nation
dengan semangat dari segala penjuru,
with passions raging on all sides,
"Saya akan mengirimkan keempat putri saya ke empat penjuru dunia."
"I'm going to spread all my four daughters in four corners of the world."
Inilah kami berempat di empat penjuru dunia.
So we are four of us in four corners of the world.
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