percontohan | sequential |
percontohan | |||
percontohan acak | random sampling |
percontohan kerja | work sampling |
percontohan lapisan | stratified sample |
percontohan prestasi | performance sampling |
percontohan runtun | sequential sampling |
centers, demonstration, example, health, model, models, pilot, sample, support |
ContohIni adalah di mana usaha percontohan kita terkonsentrasi. This is where our sampling effort has concentrated.
Lalu kami melakukan sebuah percontohan 6 bulan. And so we did a six-month pilot.
Satu kelompok dari kami telah melakukan kerja percontohan A group of us have been working on a pilot basis
Saya percaya bahwa peralatan yang bekerja dalam 42 kasus percontohan ini I believe that these tools that worked in these 42 pilot cases
dan ini menjadi program percontohan. Kemudian sukses, and it's become our pet project. It's successful,