Indonesian to English
peri 1. 1) having to do with. 2) attitude. 2. (Lit.) k.o. female celestial being of exceeding beauty.
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  1. hal
    (keadaan, kejadian, peristiwa, situasi, masalah, perkara, soal, urusan, bab, ihwal, kondisi, mengenai, peri, perihal, tentang)
  2. ihwal
  3. keadaan
  4. laku
  5. perbuatan
  6. kejadian
  7. peristiwa
  8. paparan
  9. perincian
  10. batari
  11. bida
  12. bidadari
  13. dewi
  14. haur
peri /dongengfairy
peri hutandryad
peri jahatpuck
peri-perilittle people
peri/ jinelf
peria1. see PRIA. 2. see PARE.
periaisee PRIYAYI.
perianbamboo for carrying water.
peribadahanobservence of religious duties
peribadatanobservance of religious duties.
peribumisee PRIBUMI.
peridifertile (of animals).
peridolarsee PERI 1.
perigee (titik lintasan)perigee
perigiwell, spring.
perihsee PEDIH.
perihalas for

Related Word(s)

check, elf, elfin, elves, elvish, fairies, fairy, nymph, nymphs, rank, sylph


termasuk makhluk khayalan seperti peri.
including imaginary folk like elves.
Sebab apa yang menunjukkan peri-kemanusiaan, mungkin secara hayati,
For what defines humanity, perhaps biologically,
dalam arti terbesar daripada peri-kemanusiaan,
in the greatest sense of what it means to be human,
dalam arti yang paling membahagiakan daripada peri-kemanusiaan,
in the most joyful sense of what it means to be human --
lalu ada kisah "Peri dan Pembuat Sepatu."
There is the story of "The Elves and the Shoemaker."
Dan ada peri dalam bentuk Cina.
And we have the elves in the form of China.
ada juga debu peri lain
we have this other pixie dust
peri ikan duyung.
called Sirens.
Kita semua telah mendengar tentang peri dan bidadari,
So we've all heard about fairies and we've all heard about nymphs,
Anda melihat lapisan dari peri-peri animasi ini
you see this layer of animated pixies
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