Indonesian to English
perkemahan camping, a camp out, camp, encampment
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perkemahan tenaga kerjalabourers

Related Word(s)

camp, campsite, campsites, encampment, encampments, host, straw, tents, went


datang ke perkemahan tentara Yunani, masuk ke tenda Achilles
comes into the Greek camp incognito, makes his way to Achilles' tent
di luar perkemahan mereka.
on the outskirts of their camp.
adalah lingkaran perkemahan di salju.
is a circle of tents in the snow.
Anda bisa melihat semacam perkemahan sementara
you see a sort of makeshift camp
kondisi perang dan perkemahan, kerusuhan dan tirani,
the conditions of camps and warfare, of riot and tyranny,
perkemahan bulanan dimana orang-orang bisa
this monthly camp where people can
Perkemahan, dengan adanya perkemahan saja,
the camp -- just having the camp --
Tapi saya sangat terkejut melihat penampungan dan perkemahan pengungsi
But I was so surprised to see the shelter, refugee camp
Kami sampai ke bumi perkemahan.
We got to our campsite.
perkemahan atau jaringan perkotaan
for encampments and more of a city grid type layout,
Kamu harus melihat ini - Perkemahan Injil.
You've got to see this -- Bible Boot Camp.
Ini ada di semua situs, Perkemahan Injil.
It's all over the Web, Bible Boot Camp.
akan terasa seperti perjalanan perkemahan yang sangat panjang.
would be like one long camping trip.
Saya mandi di perkemahan. Saya makan di luar secara teratur.
I showered in campgrounds. I ate out regularly.
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