Indonesian to English
perlu memahami need to understand
perlu memahami
please wait
by Xamux Translate
perlunecessary, need


Anda tidak perlu memahami
It's not necessary for understanding
Kita perlu memahami bahwa struktur pemerintahan di dunia ketinggalan jaman.
We need to understand that the governance structure in the world is fossilized.
Untuk mengerti sesuatu, anda hanya perlu memahami hal-hal kecil.
to understand anything, you just need to understand the little bits;
perlu memahami bahwa sejarah
have to somehow understand that history
Kita perlu memahami apa yang sedang terjadi
We need to process what's going on
Mobil perlu memahami di mana dirinya dan kira-kira di mana kendaraan lain.
The car needs to understand where it is and roughly where the other vehicles are.
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