pers | press. |
pers | |||
pers mahasiswa | student press |
pers merdeka | free press |
persabungan | cock, conflict, fight |
persada | homeland |
persahabatan | friendship. |
persahabatan yang baik | good fellowship |
persahabatan yang erat | close friendship |
persahabatan/beasiswa | fellowship |
persahajaan | simplification |
persaingan | competition, rivalry |
persaingan bebas | free competition |
persaingan kotor | cut throat competition |
persaingan monopolistik | monopolistic competition |
persaingan tak sehat | imperfect competition |
persaingan yang merugikan | cut-throat competition |
persajakan | poetry, rhyme |
persaksian | evidence, testimony |
persamaa | quantit |
persamaan | similarity, agreement, comparison, equality |
persamaan akuntansi | accounting equation |
press | |
verb |
exert pressure or force to or upon
mengerahkan tekanan atau kekuatan untuk atau pada saat
briefing, conference, here, media, news, press, said, told |
ContohPers mulai memanggil kami. The press started calling us.
dan mereka mencatat, tidak mengejutkan, bahwa pers and they noted, not surprisingly, that the press
pers untuk menulis tentang kami. to the press writing about us.
Para kolektor, teman-teman, pers, The collectors, the friends, the press,
Dan saat saya katakan pada orang-orang di ruang pers Academy Awards And when I told the people in the press room at the Academy Awards
Terjadi tindakan keras terhadap pers. There's crackdowns on the press.
Yang membawa saya ke rekaman video dari konferensi pers Which leads me to a videotape of a President Bush
untuk melakukan konferensi pers. to do a press conference.
kami mengadakan konferensi pers, keluar dengan para prajurit, we held press conferences, we went out with soldiers,
mengadakan konferensi pers ini, holding these press conferences,
Baterai itu dibawa ke Gedung Putih untuk konferensi pers. And that battery went to the White House for a press conference.
dan memberikan konferensi pers, and gave news conferences,
dan kebebasan pers? and the press freedom?
Anda akan lihat orang-orang jauh melampaui pers, you'll see that the people were far ahead of the press,
Anda berbicara tentang tanggung jawab pers. You spoke about the responsibility of the press.
cara pers Barat pada khususnya the way that the Western press in particular
setelah pers Kenya merasa aman untuk bertindak made the Kenyan press feel safe to talk about it.
bagi kebebasan pers for the free press,
siaran pers pertama yang the first real press release
dan sore itu, saya melakukan jumpa pers di New York and then that afternoon, I did a round of media in New York
Obama harus membuat pernyataan pers. Obama had to issue a press release.
sampai Palang Merah harus menggelar konferensi pers that the Red Cross had to open a press conference
Kami mengadakan konferensi pers, We had a press conference,
yang datang dari pers, politisi, coming from the press, politicians,
Dia menanggapi pers nasional, She handled the national press,
Maksud saya, pers di Pantai Gading terbagi. I mean, the press in Ivory Coast was bitterly divided --