persen | 1 percent. 2 tip. 3 present to a subordinate. |
persen | |||
persen dari | percentage of |
persen efek frekuensi | frequency effect percent |
persenan | percentage or tip given. |
persendian | pivot, base |
perseneling kedua | second gear |
perseneling satu | lowgear |
perseneling standar | standard transmission |
persengauan | nasalization |
persenggamaan | coital |
persengketaan | contention, conflict |
persenjataan | armament, weaponry |
persenjataan kembali | rearmament |
persenmineralisasi | mineralization percent |
persentage | /persentase/ percentage, rate. |
persentase | percentage |
persentase pengionan | ionization percentage |
persenyawaan | selenium compound |
persenyawaan air-raksa | mercury conpound |
persenyawaan beracun | toxio |
persenyawaan brom | bromine compound |
about, at, budget, by, cent, convention, decided, decreasing, economic, followed, gkm, gratuity, half, he, higher, illegal, in, increase, increased, inflation, jakarta, lower, luas, monday, net, next, passengers, pct, per, percent, percentage, percents, rp |
ContohKami menemukan bahwa 90 persen orang pertama mengirim uang We found 90 percent of the first decision-makers sent money,
95 persen mengembalikan sebagian. 95 percent returned some of it.
sebesar 80 persen. by 80 percent.
sebesar 50 persen. by 50 percent.
kami menemukan bahwa 5 persen dari populasi that five percent of the population
mengalami kenaikan kadar oksitosin sebesar 150 persen. he had 150 percent spike in oxytocin.
resiko anda terkena kegemukan menjadi 45 persen lebih tinggi. your risk of obesity is 45 percent higher.
resiko anda terkena kegemukan menjadi 25 persen lebih tinggi. your risk of obesity is 25 percent higher.
resiko anda terkena kegemukan menjadi 10 persen lebih tinggi. your risk of obesity is 10 percent higher.
resiko anda terserang kegemukan meningkat kurang lebih 57 persen it increases your risk of obesity by about 57 percent
yang kira dapatkan adalah 46 persen dari variasi what we found is that 46 percent of the variation
Sebagai contoh, 47 persen dari variasi For instance, 47 percent in the variation
30 persen dari variasi 30 percent of the variation
Menurun dari 14 persen We went from 14 percent
menjadi tujuh persen. to seven percent.
mayoritas, 60 persen, menyerah pada godaan seksual dalam satu tahun. the majority, 60 percent, yielded to sexual temptations within one year.
Nilai mereka meningkat dari Nol hingga 30 persen, So their scores had gone up from zero to 30 percent,
Tapi nilai 30 persen tetap tidak membuat mereka lulus. But 30 percent is not a pass.
adalah 76 persen. was 76 percent.
tetap ... 76 persen. was 76 percent.
Bisa menghabiskan beberapa persen dari GDP It might even cost up towards a percentage point of GDP
bahwa kurang dari 1 persen dari burung-burung itu that fewer than one percent of them
lebih dari 90 persen dari penguin yang tercemar ini more than 90 percent of those oiled penguins
yang mencapai 85 persen sangat mengagumkan. 80 percent success rate.
Sembilan puluh persen menjawab, Ya, dia pengkhianat. Ninety percent said yes, she's a traitor.
sekitar 20 persen. like 20 percent.
20 persen dari dewan. (Tepuk tangan) 20 percent of the Council. (Applause)
dan untuk memintak kesediaan orang-orang untuk memberi 10 persen and to ask people to pledge to give 10 percent
yang sudah memberikan 10 persen who's pledged to give 10 percent
Berapa persen dari bom tersebut Well what percentage of those bombs
10 persen. 10 percent. 10 percent.
Dari 10 persen yang mendarat, And of those 10 percent that landed,
16 persen tidak meletus. 16 percent didn't even go off; they were duds.
Mungkin sekitar 95 persen akurat We think we're now at 95 percent accuracy
95 persen dari orang yang perlu dibunuh, betul? 95 percent of the people we kill need to be killed, right?
Lima puluh persen herbal, lima puluh persen tidak. Fifty percent of their food was medicinal. Fifty percent was not.
15 persen setiap tahunnya selama 5 tahun terakhir tanpa air. 15 percent every year for the past five years without water.
Kami mengimpor 90 persen makanan kami, We import 90 percent of our food,
dan lahan yang kami tanami jumlahnya kurang dari 1 persen. and we only cultivate less than one percent of our land.
memiliki beberapa persen selubung karang hidup have a few percent live coral cover
bahwa 80 persen dari pepohonan and you see that 80 percent of the trees,
bahwa 80 persen dari pohon that 80 percent of all the trees
di mana 80 persen dari seluruh terumbu karang memutih when 80 percent of all the corals bleached
Tapi sayangnya, 95 persen lapisan es di Kutub Utara But unfortunately, 95 percent of the glaciers in the Arctic
52 persen berhubungan dengan bangunan. 52 percent are tied to buildings.
Hanya sembilan persen dari mobil penumpang, cukup menarik. Only nine percent is passenger cars, interestingly enough.
Sebuah ide besar. Kami ingin menguranginya sebesar 80 persen. So it was a big idea. We wanted to reduce that by 80 percent,
Perempuan seusia saya yang menamatkan Sekolah Menengah Atas kurang dari 6 persen, Fewer than six percent of women my age have made it beyond high school,
80 persen orang Amerika meninggal di rumah sakit Eighty percent of Americans die in a hospital
Di Amerika Serikat, 55 persen bayi In the United States, 55 percent of babies