Indonesian to English
persis seperti all the world like
persis seperti
please wait
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persisexactly, precisely
sepertilike, as

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Persis seperti sekarang.
Just like today.
persis seperti saya dan ibu saya dulu,
like with me and my mom,
Kami akan melakukan persis seperti yang ada sebelumnya.
We're going to do exactly what we outlined in the previous slide.
impian saya tidak terlihat persis seperti yang saya bayangkan keitka saya masih kecil.
my dreams don't look exactly like I thought they would when I was a little girl.
persis seperti virus. Cara virus bekerja adalah --
much like a virus. The way a virus works is --
persis seperti semula.
back together exactly as it was before.
Anda bisa melihat semuanya: persis seperti toserba 7-11.
So you see everything: it's exactly as a 7-Eleven would be.
melihat filantropi persis seperti ini.
had come to see philanthropy just this way.
warna biru persis seperti ini,
of exactly this blue color, (Laughter)
Sama persis seperti perusahaan lain pada umumnya
It's a lot like other consumer companies.
Persis seperti yang kamu pikirkan, saya menghabiskan banyak waktu saat melewati keamanan bandara
As you can imagine, I spent a lot of time at airport security.
benda-benda bertabrakan seperti perkiraan anda. Persis seperti meja kerjaku.
things collide as you'd expect them. Just like on my real desk,
persis seperti kertas. Agar kau mengingatnya nanti.
just like paper. Remember, you know, something for later.
persis seperti kotak foto keluarga yang ada di meja dapur kita.
and bring it to that kind of shoebox of, you know, photos with your family on the kitchen table kind of thing.
persis seperti batang kayu yang dilempar ke dalam api unggun dan bara yang berpercikan,
just like when you throw a log on a campfire and the embers swirl up off the campfire,
Ikan ini persis seperti pohon natal.
This is a Christmas tree of a fish;
Ia kelihatan persis seperti sebelum saya memulainya.
It looks like it did before it started.
Dan ayah berkata saya punyai sepasang persis seperti itu di kepala saya,
And he said I had a matching pair like that on my head,
persis seperti ini kecuali satu hal -- semuanya gelap.
This is all accurate except for one thing -- it's pitch black.
Saya pikir ini persis seperti dalam film,
I thought it was just like the movies,
mempunyai kondisi yang persis seperti ini,
has this exact condition,
terlihat persis seperti Anda.
looked exactly like you.
persis seperti Taman Nasional Yellowstone berikut semua kehidupannya.
is like a Yellowstone National Park with all of the trimmings.
persis seperti planet-planet mengorbit Matahari.
in the very same way that planets orbit the sun.
Persis seperti yang diiklankan, bukan?
Now, truth in advertising. Right?
Maka kami lakukan hal yang persis seperti itu.
So we did exactly that.
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