pes | bubonic plague. |
pes | |||
pes. | [pesawat] (Tel.) telephone extention. |
pesagi | (Coll.) see PERSEGI. |
pesai | fall to pieces. |
pesaing | competitor |
pesak | gusset, patch sewu between sleeves and main part of garment or pants legs and main part of trousers. |
pesaka | see PUSAKA. |
pesalin | new suit of clothes. |
pesam | lukewarm (of water). |
pesan | order, command, message |
pesan keakraban | intimate messages |
pesan penutup | closing address |
pesan-pesan | k.o. poisonous centipede. |
pesanan | order, comission |
pesanan besar | maxi-order |
pesanan kilat | rush order |
pesanan melalui pos | mailorder |
pesanan pancingan | matched order |
pesanan pekerjaan | work order |
pesanan pelanggan | customer order |
pesanan pembelian | purchase order |
party |
ContohWabah pes di Eropa, pada abad pertengahan The bubonic plague in Europe, in the Middle Ages,
abadi tanaman dari beberapa spesies perennial plant of several species
abu abu atau putih spesies grey or white wading
aconitum ferox atau spesies lain aconitum ferox or other species
ada banyak spesies baik yang there are many species both
ada banyak spesies sebagian besar there are many species mostly
ada banyak spesies secara kolektif there are many species collectively
ada enam juta spesies serangga six million species of insects
ada enam spesies penduduk asli there are six species natives
ada juga peserta yang menyerahkan there were participants who provided
ada kapal pesiar bagi orang there are cruises for people
ada pesan rahasia yang kubawa have a secret errand
ada pesan yang sangat kuat there a very strong message
ada pesan yang sangat penting there a very important message
ada pesuruh lain yang kerja there another janitor who works
ada sebuah pesawat pengangkut tiba there is an airlift