petak | compartment, partition, cabin |
petak | |||
petaka | accident, disaster |
petaka inframerah | infrared catastrophe |
petaka keterkutuban | polarizability catastrophe |
petaka pengutuban | polarization catastrophe |
petaka ultraungu | ultraviolet catastrophe |
petakan | plot of land. |
petakilan | (Java) moving about too much, fidgety, improper becouse of fidgeting too much. |
abode, boxlike, checkered, located, plot, row, swath, swaths, tenement |
Contohsemua petak kecil itu yang berhubungan dengan modul-modul all those little squares that correspond to modules
Ini seperti bermain petak umpet dengan atom. And it was like playing atomic hide-and-seek.
bermain petak umpet dengan apa yang tersisa dari tujuanku. played hide and seek with what was left of my goal.
Saya tumbuh di rumah petak di tengah kota. I grew up in tenement buildings in the inner city.
Neneknya dapat mengakses robot tersebut dan bermain petak umpet dengan cucunya Grandma can log into that robot and play hide-and-go-seek with her granddaughter
Kita membersihkan petak-petak pantai seperti ini. We cleaned up the swaths of beach shown.
seberapa banyak petak yang dibutuhkan untuk membentuk bidang tersebut. how many tiles it takes to cover it completely.
karena dia sedang bermain petak umpet, because he was playing hide and seek,