Indonesian to English
pinggir edge, seam, border
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  1. bibir
    (bingkai, birai, gisik, lis, pigura, pinggir, rusuk, sembir, sisi, susur, tepi, tubir, bacot, cakap, congor, lambe, perkataan, tuturan, ucapan)
  2. gisik
  3. rusuk
  4. samping
  5. sembir
  6. sisi
  7. susur
  8. tepi
  9. tubir


  1. tengah
    (pusat, senter, sentral, antara, sela-sela, para, paruh, perdua, lagi, masih, sedang, ketika, selagi, sementara, tatkala)
pinggir feli-rodaedge of felly
pinggir gelanggangringside
pinggir jalanroadside
pinggir lautsea front
pinggir serapabsorption edge
pinggir yang diratakanfaced edge
pinggir-bawahlower flange
pinggiranedges, outskirts
pinggiran atasupper edge
pinggiran luarexternal gear
pinggiran pakingjointing ring
pinggiran penyanggaprotecting-strip
pinggiran trotoarcurb-stone

Related Word(s)

along, areas, army, bank, by, edge, euphrates, marginal, perimeter, roadside, side, skirting, vacant, wayside


Ada bagian tengah dan bagian pinggir dalam jaringan ini,
There's a middle and an edge to this network,
tersebar di bagian pinggir.
located at the edges.
Anda lebih memilih menjadi D, di pinggir jaringan.
You'd rather be D, on the edge of the network.
dalam apakah orang-orang berada di tengah atau di pinggir dari jaringan tersebut
in whether or not people are in the middle or on the edge of the network
Jadi apakah anda menemukan diri anda di tengah atau di pinggir
So whether you find yourself in the middle or on the edge
ditabrak dan oleh para pelalu lalang dibiarkan berlumuran darah di pinggir jalan
hit by a van and left bleeding in the street by passersby,
Saya duduk di pinggir sungai selama dua bulan dan tidak melihat satupun.
I sat there on the river for two months without seeing one.
terbentang sampai ke pinggir ruang-ruang kelas.
running right up to the edge of each of the classrooms.
Akhirnya, mereka menempatkannya di pinggir desa di sebuah gubuk.
So finally, they put her at the edge of the village in a hut.
yang sudah parkir di pinggir jalan selama puluhan tahun,
which had been parking on sidewalks for decades,
Dan ini sebuah kafe di pinggir laut
And this is a cafe by the sea
dan Anda menekan beberapa pohon ke pinggir,
and you squeeze a few trees around the edge,
yang artinya galeri pinggir jalan.
which means sidewalk gallery.
menolong orang asing yang membutuhkan pertolongan di pinggir jalan.
to help the stranger in need by the side of the road.
Tepat di pinggir garis pagar.
Right along the fence line.
Karena berada di pinggir jalan. Tempatnya terbuka untuk publik.
because it was street level. It was open to the public.
di pinggir jalan tol Bandara Mumbai ini,
by the side of the Mumbai Airport expressway,
kendaraan serbu pinggir kota yang lima kali lebih efisien --
quintupled-efficiency suburban-assault vehicle --
Namun di pinggir kota, seseorang wanita tua, wanita yang terlihat kusam di tanah kuburan,
But on the edge of town, one elderly lady, a charwoman in the charnel ground,
untuk organisme hidup dekat pinggir laut
for those organisms that live near the shoreline,
di pinggir tebing es terpencil yang curam,
on a remote fjord,
Beberapa tahun lalu saya merasakan benjolan di pinggir leher saya
A few years ago I felt a lump on the side of my neck,
Dia duduk di pinggir jalan
He was sitting outside of the road,
Dia melihat pabrik-pabrik tutup dan warga kulit putih pindah ke pinggir kota.
She watched the steel mills close and white flight to suburban developments.
ayahnya jualan bunga di pinggir jalan.
her father sells flowers on the roadside.
Sekarang dia berjualan minuman dingin, di pinggir jalan raya.
And now he sells cool drinks, he's by the highway.
Tepatnya di sejengkal tanah di pinggir jalan di dekat parkir mobil.
It was on a strip of land that we call a parkway.
tidak bisa mendapat Coke yang lebih baik dibanding orang di pinggir jalan."
can't get a better Coke than the bum on the corner of the street."
mengunjungi cemara yang menangis di pinggir Sungai Seine,
to visit a particular weeping willow by the Seine,
di pinggir timur kota.
just at the eastern edge of the city.
Lagi, kami berhenti pada pinggir laut.
Again, you know, we stop at the water's edge.
karena saya duduk di pinggir tempat tidur saya
because I sat on the edge of my bed
salah satu orang yang berdiri di pinggir jurang
one of the people who gets to step out on the ledge
yang mungkin bisa kita ambil dari program <br>pemungutan sampah daur ulang di pinggir jalan,
that perhaps take us from curbside recycling,
di pinggir jalan atau sungai.
on the side of the road or next to a river.
di pinggir jalan.
on the side of the road.
Aku akan mendapatkan guru pinggir kota, pengajar pusat kota,
I will get uptown gurus, downtown teachers,
Jika saya meletakkan lipatan tersebut di pinggir, ia menggunakan setengah lingkaran kertas.
If I put the flap on the edge, it uses a half circle of paper.
dari komputer di pinggir jalan?
from a streetside computer?
Sebenarnya, individu-individu miskin yang dia ceritakan adalah semacam catatan pinggir.
In fact, those individuals he talked about who were poor was sort of a side note.
Solly tetap di pinggir.
Solly remained on the bank.
Setengah perjalanan menuju pinggir sungai,
Halfway up the bank,
dan ia mulai mendorong Elvis mendaki pinggir sungai.
and he began to shovel her up the bank.
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