Indonesian to English
pon [Pekan Olahraga Nasional] National Games
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ponakansee KEPONAKAN.
pondamen.see FONDAMEN.
pondasi bagifoundation of
pondikarrogant, conceited.
pondohedible pith of coconut palm trunk.
pondokcottage, cabin, hut
pondongcarry in o.'s arms.
ponemsee FONEM.
pongahconceited, stuck up.
ponggangsee SIPONGGANG.
ponggawasee PUNGGAWA.
pongo(Java) be open-mouthed from surprise or bewilderment.
ponimsee FONEM.
ponissee VONIS.
ponokcamel's hump.
ponok-uapsteam collector
ponokawansee PUNAKAWAN.

Related Word(s)

pounces, pound, pounds


beberapa pon jaringan kelabu kemerahmudaan,
a couple pounds of pinkish-gray flesh,
seberat 250 hingga 300 pon, tangkapan raksasa.
weighed 250 to 300 pounds, goliath grouper,
dengan berat ratusan ribu pon
that weighs thousands and thousands of pounds,
anjing laut berjenggot seberat 800 pon --
800 lb. bearded seal --
dia mungkin memakan sekitar 200 pon daging di perutnya -
he probably had about 200 lbs of meat in his belly --
150 pon kumpulan lemak ini
150-pound bundles of blubber
Panjang mereka 12 kaki, dengan berat ribuan pon.
They are 12 ft. long, a thousand pounds.
Jadi kami menaikkan 45,000 pon cincin baja ini.
So we raised this 45,000-pound steel ring.
dan mengijinkan kami menambah beban 110 pon,
to allow us to have an additional 110 lbs.
Dan dengan berat 110 pon,
And at 110 lbs.,
Berat saya hanya 64 pon.
I was 64 lbs.
Saat itu, berat saya sudah naik 4 pon
At that point, I had gained four pounds,
menjadi sekitar 68 pon.
so I was 68 lbs.
Dan beratnya 300 pon dan Anda tidak bisa terjun payung dengan itu.
And it weighs 300 pounds and you can't skydive in it.
Pakaian ini sangat ringan, sekitar 15 pon.
This is a very lightweight suit. It weighs about 15 pounds.
tebalnya hanya sekitar dua sen, sekitar 14 pon per inci persegi.
it would be the thickness of two pennies, at 14 pounds per square inch.
Kita bisa lihat, di sana beratnya 27 setengah pon.
There you can see, it's weighing in at 27 and a half pounds.
dengan roda gigi seberat 170 pon
with 170 pounds of gear,
Saya akan memberi tahu, menyeberangi tempat ini dengan kereta luncur berbobot 170 pon
I'm telling you, crossing these things with 170-pound sled,
bobot kereta luncur itu dapat menjadi 1.700 pon
that sled may as well have weighed 1,700 pounds,
yang rata-rata membawa beban 100 pon di punggung mereka,
that on average does carry about 100 lbs. on their backs,
saya dapat membawa 200 pon beban melalui berbagai medan
I can carry 200 lbs. over varied terrain
Dia selesai menjelaskan dan saya menunggu proposal tebal seberat 300 pon,
He finishes explaining that, and I'm waiting for the big 300 pound paper proposal,
Beratnya 6,9 pon.
This weighs 6.9 pounds.
dua ratus tiga puluh ribu pon kertas tisu
two hundred thirty thousand pounds of paper towels
571.230.000 pon dari kertas tisu dapat dihemat.
571,230,000 pounds of paper not used.
571.230.000 pon kertas. Tidak sedikit.
571,230,000 pounds of paper. No small thing.
Setiap pon yang dijual di pasar,
For every pound that goes to market,
lebih dari 10 pon, bahkan 100 pon,
more than 10 pounds, even 100 pounds,
dengan biaya kurang dari 50 sen per pon.
at a cost of less than 50 cents a pound.
Inilah seonggok daging, sekitar 3 pon (1,5 kg)
Here is a lump of flesh, about three pounds,
adalah dia akan membuat kacang seberat 5 pon melalui rekayasa genetis.
is that maybe he'll genetically engineer a five-pound peanut.
180 kilogram -- beratnya hampir mencapai 400 pon.
180 kilos -- that's almost exactly 400 pounds.
Saat kami mencapai sejuta pon (454.000 kg)
When we reached a million pounds,
25 sampai 50 pon kotoran di jalanan setiap hari
25 to 50 pounds of manure on the streets every day
30 pon.
at the other end.
kami mengurus sekitar 1 juta pon
we handle about one million pounds
Satu juta pon per hari terdengar banyak
Now a million pounds a day sounds like a lot of stuff,
bahwa ada sekitar 85 juta pon per tahun
that there's about 85 billion pounds a year
Kami mencampur 50.000 pon silo pengaduk.
We blend it in 50,000-lb. blending silos.
Bahan pengganti ini berharga sembilan dolar per pon (hampir 0.5 kilogram)
This substitute cost nine dollars a pound,
berharga 900 dolar per pon.
cost 900 dollars a pound.
kaleng yang cukup berat, sekitar 2 pon.
a pretty heavy Coke can, about two pounds.
pemain belakang di NFL dengan berat badan 300 pon dan setinggi 6 kaki 5 inci.
a 300-pound, six-foot-five linebacker in the NFL.
seberat sekitar 4 setengah pon.
that weighs about four-and-a-half pounds.
Berat saya 95 pon.
I was 95 lbs.
Salah satunya berbobot 50 pon, 30 pon, dan 10 pon.
One of these weighs 50 pounds, 30 pounds and 10 pounds.
Dan ini termasuk 5.000 pon merkuri
And this includes 5,000 pounds of mercury
sesuatu yang setara dengan 40 pon baterai mobil
that the equivalent of a 40-pound car battery
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