pondok | |||
pondokan | lodgings |
bodies, bower, cabin, cot, cottage, hut, huts, lodge, meanwhile, shed, tents |
Contohdari pondok ini. this hut here.
Pondok ini dibangun oleh Robert Falcon-Scott dan anak buahnya This hut was built by Robert Falcon Scott and his men
semua barang di pondok itu masih sama seperti saat mereka pergi the entire contents of that hut is still as they left it,
Saya dibesarkan oleh orang tua hippie di pondok kayu. I grew up with hippie parents in a log cabin.
tapi penjelmaan Pondok Tata. it's the house of Tatas over time.
Berkat Pondok Tata. So that is the House of Tata.