Indonesian to English
psikiater psychiatrist.
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a physician who specializes in psychiatry
seorang dokter yang mengkhususkan diri dalam psikiatri
source: WordNet 3.0

Related Word(s)

psychiatric, psychiatrist, psychological


oleh seorang psikiater.
by a psychiatrist.
Seorang lelaki pergi ke psikiater.
A guy goes into a psychiatrist.
Psikiater itu berkata, "Anda gila."
The psychiatrist says, "You're crazy."
Psikiater itu berkata, "Baiklah, Anda jelek."
The psychiatrist says, "All right, you're ugly."
Anda harus dapat pergi ke psikiater -- atau psikolog --
You ought to be able to go to a psychiatrist or a psychologist,
bahwa Psikolog dan Psikiater menjadi Victimologist, Pathologizer;
that psychologists and psychiatrists became victimologists, pathologizers,
adalah ide-ide yang muncul dari para psikiater atau para ahli pengembangan diri
are ones that come from shrinks or self-help gurus
Saya bukan psikiater, pekerja sosial,
I'm not a psychiatrist, a social worker
Viktor Frankl adalah Psikiater Jerman
Viktor Frankl was a German psychiatrist
ataupun psikiater di Amerika Serikat
or the psychiatrists in the United States
adalah tenaga kesehatan profesional seperti psikiater
is the great shortage of mental health professionals,
Namun, saya meneruskan niat saya dan belajar menjadi psikiater
Any case, I went on, I soldiered on with psychiatry,
Contohnya di Zimbabwe hanya ada selusin psikiater,
In Zimbabwe, for example, there were just about
jumlah psikiater berbanding dengan jumlah penduduk
the proportion of psychiatrists in the population
seharusnya ada sekitar 150.000 orang psikiater di India.
one might expect roughly 150,000 psychiatrists in India.
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