pukul | strike |
pukul | |||
pukul empat | at four o'clock |
pukul memukul; saling membalas | tit for tat |
pukul rata | on an average |
pukul satu tepat | on the stroke of one |
pukul tiga | at three o'clock |
pukul-bilik | return-shock |
pukulan | stroke, blow, strike |
pukulan balasan | back stroke |
pukulan dalam bilyard | carom |
pukulan keatas | uppercut |
pukulan keras | a hard knock |
pukulan knockout | knockout |
pukulan maut | a death blow |
pukulan mematikan | deathblow |
pukulan merobohkan | knockdown |
pukulan overhand | overhand |
pukulan palu | hammer-blow |
pukulan salah | miscue |
pukulan salah dalan cricket | noball |
pukulan tangan kanannya | blow of his right |
am, at, beat, cut, fire, five, hit, jl, knock, m, morning, noon, pm, preparedness, shamefully, striking |
ContohAnda pergi ke sebuah sekolah dasar pada pukul tiga sore You go to an elementary school at three in the afternoon
Hari-hari saya dimulai dari pukul 5 pagi, My day started at 5 in the morning,
Jadi yang satu ini diambil sekitar pukul 5. So this one was taken around five.
Pukul 8 pagi saya berdiri di sana. And it was 8:00 AM when I stood there.
karena saya menulis dari tengah malam hingga pukul 5 pagi. because I wrote from 12 a.m. to 5 a.m.
Kami semua duduk. Pada pukul 2:30 kita meletakkan papan pengumuman lipat di atas trotoar di depan And we sat. And at 2:30 p.m. we put a sandwich board out on the front sidewalk
Jika anda berada di sekitar jalan Valencia pada kurang lebih pukul 2:00, If you're on Valencia Street within those few blocks at around 2 p.m.,
pukul 2:30, anda akan terlindas, biasanya, 2:30 p.m., you will get run over, often,
Mereka bisa pulang ke rumah pukul 5:30, menghabiskan waktu dengan keluarga, They're allowed to go home at 5:30 p.m., enjoy their family,
Ketika mereka lahir pada pukul 6:14 dan 6:46 When they were born at 6:14 and 6:46
maka tulisan muncul kira-kira pukul 11:07 malam. then writing only came along at about 11:07 p.m.
12 September -- dari pukul 10 sampai 10.30 pagi, saya membayar tagihan. I had September 12th -- from 10:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., I paid my storage bill.
Dari pukul 10.30 sampai 12 siang, saya bertemu Judith, mahasiswi pascasarjana saya saat itu. From 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., I met with Judith who was one of my graduate students at the time.
Dari pukul 12 sampai 3 sore, saya mengajar kelas pemula, From 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., I taught my intro class,
dari pukul 3 sampai 6 sore, saya mengajar kelas lanjutan. 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., I taught my advanced class.
tanggal 19 Agustus, pukul 8.01 malam at 8:01 p.m. on August 19th.
Pada pukul 11.39, taconya seperti ini At 11:39 a.m. was this one.
Pukul 1.56 taconya seperti ini dan pukul 4.59 seperti ini. At 1:56 p.m. was this one. At 4:59 p.m. was this one.
sebenarnya ini sekitar pukul 2 siang this was actually about two o'clock in the afternoon
Tempat pemungutan suara buka pukul 7 pagi, The polling stations opened to the voters at 7:00 AM,
sudah mulai mengantre dari pukul 4 pagi. were starting to line up at 4:00 AM in the morning.
Saya dipanggil oleh unit gawat darurat sekitar pukul 2 subuh I got paged by the E.R. around 2 in the morning
Pukul berapa sekarang? What time is it? What time is it?
pukul berapa saat ini, dengan akurat. what the time is, with precision.
untuk mengetahui pukul berapa saat ini. to knowing what time it is.
Pada pukul 8.46 pagi, tanggal 11 September 2011, At 8:46 a.m. on September 11th, 2001,
progres berjalan sangat lambat, 10 menit sebelum pukul 2, progress is slow, and then, 10 minutes to 2,
sekarang pukul 11 malam di Rio. Now it's 11:00 pm in Rio.
pada pukul 8.30 pagi. 8:30 in the morning.