putus | severed, broken off |
putus | |||
putus asa | be cast down |
putus bicara | at a loss |
putus hubungan | incommunicado |
putus rantai | fracture of chain |
putus tiba-tiba | break off |
putus-asa | desperate |
putusan | verdict |
putusan akhir | all for the best |
putusan hakim | adjudication |
putusan hakim tentang pembatalan perkawinan | verdict or vonnis of the marriage annulment |
putusan kabel | breaking of a cable |
putusan pembebasan dari tuduhan | acquital |
putusan persiapan | preparation judgement |
putusan resmi | decretal |
putusnya arus kabel tertentu | loadshedding |
anguish, begins, blighted, break, breaking, breakup, broke, broken, cast, cease, dejection, despair, discontinuation, discontinue, discontinued, dispirited, downcast, drop, dropout, established, fully, handle, have, hopeless, ideal, knot, loss, lost, off |
Contohdan jaringan ini akan putus. and the network would disintegrate.
dan para penyelamat putus asa, and the rescuers despaired,
Mereka putus-asa akan sukarelawan They were desperate for volunteers
Jadi karena putus asa, So kind of out of desperation,
Aku masih belum putus harapan untuk bertemu denganmu. I still haven't given up my hope to see you.
dengan Bahasa Inggris yang terputus-putus were exchanged between people
dan akhirnya hubungan itu putus. and gradually the relationship breaks down.
biasanya ada kisah tentang orang tua yang putus asa there is usually a story of parents who are desperate
Nilai sekolah buruk. Beberapa putus sekolah. They had bad grades. Some of them dropped out.
Inilah data anak-anak yang putus sekolah. Here we have children dropping out of high school.
Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat putus asa This shows that society is desperate
semakin banyak jumlah anak putus sekolah di wilayah itu. the more the number of out-of-school children.
dengan anak-anak putus sekolah terbanyak, with the most out-of-school children,
Semuanya menjadi putus asa And everybody was becoming very discouraged
25 persen anak perempuan di India putus sekolah Twenty-five percent of girls in India drop out of school
Jadi saat saya merasa putus asa akan keadaan sanitasi ini, So when I get despondent about the state of sanitation,
Perasaan tersebut menolong saat beliau diliputi rasa sedih dan putus asa. It helps him when he is overwhelmed with grief and despair.
Karena kelaparan, saya terpaksa putus sekolah. Because of the hunger, I was forced to drop out of school.
oleh mereka yang bertahan di sekolah, sisanya putus sekolah semua. Those who were still around in school, besides the people who had dropped out.
terlihat putus asa dan tanpa harapan, layaknya seorang alkoholik. desperately and hopelessly, the way an alcoholic would.
Seorang putus sekolah dari Coimbatore, bagaimana mungkin dapat bertahan? A school dropout from Coimbatore, how he is able to sustaining?
Itu saja, seorang putus sekolah melihat masalah di masyarakat That's all. A school dropout saw your problem in the society
tapi tidak dengan putus asa. but not despair.
putus asa, tapi itu tidak benar. desperate, but that's not really how it is.
ternyata dia adalah seorang anak putus sekolah yang berumur 13 tahun. he later on turned out to be a 13-year-old school dropout.
sekejap pun, apalagi putus asa. for even a single moment, let alone despaired.
Karena putus asa berarti pemenuhan diri. Because despair is self-fulfilling.
garis putih yang putus the broken white line
Tetapi sampai sekarang, pandangan kita terhadap jagat raya terputus-putus dan terpecah-pecah, But until now, our view of the universe has been disconnected and fragmented,
Dan saya merasa putus asa. And I was distraught.
Kami putus asa. We were despondent.
dan huruf-huruf yang menunjukan sedikit putus asa and the letters are less hopeless
Jadi, Anda tahu, orang yang putus asa di selokan bisa menggunakan ini. So, you know, people who are in desperate straits can get this.
kecuali mungkin tanpa garis putus-putus yang tergambar di sini. except for maybe without the helpful grid drawn on it.
bahkan tanpa bantuan garis putus-putus ini, even without this helpful grid,
dan menurut saya putus sekolah memiliki jenis yang berbeda-beda -- and I think dropping out of school comes in many different forms --
mereka putus, they broke up,
Anda dapat membayangkan, para musisi itu putus asa, You can imagine, the musicians were disconsolate.
Jadi data mengenai putus sekolah sangat mencengangkan. So the data on dropping out is amazing.
untuk putus sekolah. to drop out of school.
Di Kanada, lima anak laki-laki putus sekolah dari tiga anak perempuan. In Canada, five boys drop out for every three girls.
putus asa, dan mereka berpikir despair, and they think
Saran saya sekarang: Jangan putus asa. I'm going tell you right now: please don't despair.
dan benar-benar putus asa. and was in total despair.
Saya sebenarnya tidak berkata dengan putus asa, I actually don't say this in despair.
Tingkat putus sekolah hingga 70 persen. School dropout rate is up to 70 percent.
Anda harus berpura-pura tak berkualifikasi atau tergolong yang tersingkirkan atau yang putus sekolah You have to be a cop-out or a wash-out or a dropout
dia menggelengkan kepala dengan penuh putus asa and she shook her head in despair
Bagaimana mungkin aku tak putus asa, How do you not despair
akan rasa putus asa dan sengsara karena semua itu? by the despair and the misery of it all?