r | the 18 letter of the alphabet. |
r | |||
r. | [Raden] (Java) masculine noble title. |
r.m. | [Raden Mas] (Java) title of minor male nobility. |
ra'yat | see RAKYAT. |
ra. | [radiallahu an(hu) ] (Islam) an exclamation uttered after mention of o. of Muh.'s companions or the prophets: May God bless him ! |
raad | see RAD. |
rab | [Rencana Anggaran Belanja] 1 budget plan. 2 draft budge. |
raba | 1 feel s.t. 2 grope (often with sexual implications). 3 guess. |
rabaan | touch, guess, estimate |
rabah | shrike. |
rabak | 1 large tear, rip. 2 in tatters |
raban | 1 jabber, babble. 2 rave, be delirious. |
rabas | (M) drizzle. |
rabat | rebate, quantity discount. |
rabbi | (Bib.) Lord. |
rabi'ul-akhir | (Islam) 4th month of Arabic calendar. |
rabi'ul-awal | (Islam) 3d month of Arabic calendar. |
rabies | rabies. |
rabik | /rabit/ torn, tattered at the edges. |
rabit | torn |
rabitz | rabitz |
aaron, ah, belongs, buried, children, distribution, do, earlier, he, him, homes, immigrants, learned, loves, means, put, received, replied, ripple, rs, says, showing, supported, thought, twain, violent |
Contohseperti pesawat tanpa awak A.R.drone, 300 dolar, such as the A.R. drone, 300 dollars,
? Kamu baru saja dituntut oleh R-I-A-A ? ? You've just been sued by the R-I-A-A ?
? Kamu baru saya dibuat kacau oleh R-I-A-A ? ? You've just been screwed by the R-I-A-A ?
? Mereka sudah kehilangan pikiran mereka di R-I-A-A ? ? They've lost their minds at the R-I-A-A ?
? Keadilan itu buta di R-I-A-A ? ? Justice is blind at the R-I-A-A ?
? Ya, itu akan mempermalukan R-I-A-A ? ? Yeah, that would piss off the R-I-A-A ?
? Tidak ada cakram plastik dari R-I-A-A ? ? No plastic discs from the R-I-A-A ?
? Siapa yang akan menjadi R-I-A-A berikutnya? ? ? Who'll be next for the R-I-A-A? ?
? Apa lagi yang menjengkelkan R-I-A-A? ? ? What else is vexing the R-I-A-A? ?
memiliki banyak R dan L. The distribution shows.
yang dikenal sebagai R dalam Bahasa Jepang. which is known as the Japanese "R."
Jadi kami sangat senang akan M.R. So we're very excited about M.R.
sebagai R&D, penelitian dan pengembangan. would call R&D, or research and development.
Namun kami menyebutnya R&D-I-Y, But what we call it is R&D-I-Y,
Dan kami melihat bahwa R&D-I-Y And what we're seeing is that R&D-I-Y
Kumparan ini terhubung ke penguat R.F. That coil is connected to an R.F. amplifier
Suzanne R. -- dia pergi mengikuti balapan. Suzanne R. -- he's off to the races.
meminjamkan saya R.O.V mereka. gave me time with their ROV
Lakshmi Pratury: Terima kasih Dr. Masheikar. (R.A Masheikar: Terima kasih banyak) Lakshmi Pratury: Thank you, Dr. Mashelkar. (R.A. Mashelkar: Thank you very much.)
O, P, Q, R, S, T -- ini dia. O, P, Q, R, S, T -- there you go.
BG: Pengeluaran sebenarnya pada bagian R&D -- BG: Well, the actual spending on the R&D piece --
Fokusnya adalah, kenapa R&D tidak didiskusikan lebih banyak. His shtick now is, "Why isn't the R&D getting more discussed?"
jadi dia membuat poin R&D. and so, he's making the R&D point.
Persoalan R&D, tidak masuk akal bagaimana itu didanai sangat sedikit. The R&D piece, it's crazy how little it's funded.
Bapak R.C. Sharman, Bapak A. K. Sharman, Mr. R.C. Sharman, Mr. A.K. Sharman,
R.S.: Yah, lalu Ivan memegang sandwich ini, dan dia berkata RS: Yeah. So Ivan has this cheese sandwich,
R.S.: Benar, yang ini punya Joshua. RS: That one is Joshua's. That's right.
R.S.: Benar sekali. RS: That's exactly right.
R.S.: Oh, lalu Joshua juga pergi mengambil minum. RS: Oh. So now Joshua goes off to get a drink.
R.S.: Yah, menurut kamu dia akan mengambil yang ini? Baiklah, Mari kita lihat. RS: Yeah, you think he's going to take that one? All right. Let's see.
Video: R.S.: Ivan berkata, "Aku ingin sandwich kejuku." RS: And Ivan says, "I want my cheese sandwich."
R.S.: Ya, anak berusia tiga tahun melakukan dua hal berbeda. So the three-year-old does two things differently.
Video: R.S.: Jadi, Ivan nakal karena mengambil sandwich Joshua? RS.: So is Ivan being mean and naughty for taking Joshua's sandwich?
R.S.: Apakah Ivan akan dapat masalah karena mengambil sandwich Joshua? RS: Should Ivan get in trouble for taking Joshua's sandwich?
R.S.: Jadi, mungkin tak mengherankan jika anak itu beranggapan Ivan nakal So it's maybe not surprising he thinks it was mean of Ivan
Video: R.S.: Apakah Ivan nakal karena mengambil RS: Was Ivan being mean and naughty
R.S.: Jadi, hanya ketika anak berusia tujuh tahun And so, it is not until age seven
Video: R.S.: Apakah Ivan akan kena masalah karena mengambil sandwich Joshua? RS: Should Ivan get in trouble for taking Joshua's sandwich?
R.S.: Dia berkata anginlah yang harusnya dipersalahkan He says the wind should get in trouble
R.S.: Ya, saya juga khawatir tentang ini. RS: Yeah, we worry about this.
R.S.: Saya pikir itu adalah sebuah harapan yang ideal. RS: That's one of the idealistic hopes.
R.S.: Saya harap demikian. Tapi saya pikir mereka tak akan melakukannya. RS: I hope they do. And I think they probably won't.
R.S.: Karena hal itu bukanlah masalah kesadaran akut yang tak ada artinya. RS: It's not called the hard problem of consciousness for nothing.