Indonesian to English
r the 18 letter of the alphabet.
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r.[Raden] (Java) masculine noble title.
r.m.[Raden Mas] (Java) title of minor male nobility.
ra'yatsee RAKYAT.
ra.[radiallahu an(hu) ] (Islam) an exclamation uttered after mention of o. of Muh.'s companions or the prophets: May God bless him !
raadsee RAD.
rab[Rencana Anggaran Belanja] 1 budget plan. 2 draft budge.
raba1 feel s.t. 2 grope (often with sexual implications). 3 guess.
rabaantouch, guess, estimate
rabak1 large tear, rip. 2 in tatters
raban1 jabber, babble. 2 rave, be delirious.
rabas(M) drizzle.
rabatrebate, quantity discount.
rabbi(Bib.) Lord.
rabi'ul-akhir(Islam) 4th month of Arabic calendar.
rabi'ul-awal(Islam) 3d month of Arabic calendar.
rabik/rabit/ torn, tattered at the edges.

Related Word(s)

aaron, ah, belongs, buried, children, distribution, do, earlier, he, him, homes, immigrants, learned, loves, means, put, received, replied, ripple, rs, says, showing, supported, thought, twain, violent


seperti pesawat tanpa awak A.R.drone, 300 dolar,
such as the A.R. drone, 300 dollars,
? Kamu baru saja dituntut oleh R-I-A-A ?
? You've just been sued by the R-I-A-A ?
? Kamu baru saya dibuat kacau oleh R-I-A-A ?
? You've just been screwed by the R-I-A-A ?
? Mereka sudah kehilangan pikiran mereka di R-I-A-A ?
? They've lost their minds at the R-I-A-A ?
? Keadilan itu buta di R-I-A-A ?
? Justice is blind at the R-I-A-A ?
? Ya, itu akan mempermalukan R-I-A-A ?
? Yeah, that would piss off the R-I-A-A ?
? Tidak ada cakram plastik dari R-I-A-A ?
? No plastic discs from the R-I-A-A ?
? Siapa yang akan menjadi R-I-A-A berikutnya? ?
? Who'll be next for the R-I-A-A? ?
? Apa lagi yang menjengkelkan R-I-A-A? ?
? What else is vexing the R-I-A-A? ?
memiliki banyak R dan L.
The distribution shows.
yang dikenal sebagai R dalam Bahasa Jepang.
which is known as the Japanese "R."
Jadi kami sangat senang akan M.R.
So we're very excited about M.R.
sebagai R&D, penelitian dan pengembangan.
would call R&D, or research and development.
Namun kami menyebutnya R&D-I-Y,
But what we call it is R&D-I-Y,
Dan kami melihat bahwa R&D-I-Y
And what we're seeing is that R&D-I-Y
Kumparan ini terhubung ke penguat R.F.
That coil is connected to an R.F. amplifier
Suzanne R. -- dia pergi mengikuti balapan.
Suzanne R. -- he's off to the races.
meminjamkan saya R.O.V mereka.
gave me time with their ROV
Lakshmi Pratury: Terima kasih Dr. Masheikar. (R.A Masheikar: Terima kasih banyak)
Lakshmi Pratury: Thank you, Dr. Mashelkar. (R.A. Mashelkar: Thank you very much.)
O, P, Q, R, S, T -- ini dia.
O, P, Q, R, S, T -- there you go.
BG: Pengeluaran sebenarnya pada bagian R&D --
BG: Well, the actual spending on the R&D piece --
Fokusnya adalah, kenapa R&D tidak didiskusikan lebih banyak.
His shtick now is, "Why isn't the R&D getting more discussed?"
jadi dia membuat poin R&D.
and so, he's making the R&D point.
Persoalan R&D, tidak masuk akal bagaimana itu didanai sangat sedikit.
The R&D piece, it's crazy how little it's funded.
Bapak R.C. Sharman, Bapak A. K. Sharman,
Mr. R.C. Sharman, Mr. A.K. Sharman,
R.S.: Yah, lalu Ivan memegang sandwich ini, dan dia berkata
RS: Yeah. So Ivan has this cheese sandwich,
R.S.: Benar, yang ini punya Joshua.
RS: That one is Joshua's. That's right.
R.S.: Benar sekali.
RS: That's exactly right.
R.S.: Oh, lalu Joshua juga pergi mengambil minum.
RS: Oh. So now Joshua goes off to get a drink.
R.S.: Yah, menurut kamu dia akan mengambil yang ini? Baiklah, Mari kita lihat.
RS: Yeah, you think he's going to take that one? All right. Let's see.
Video: R.S.: Ivan berkata, "Aku ingin sandwich kejuku."
RS: And Ivan says, "I want my cheese sandwich."
R.S.: Ya, anak berusia tiga tahun melakukan dua hal berbeda.
So the three-year-old does two things differently.
Video: R.S.: Jadi, Ivan nakal karena mengambil sandwich Joshua?
RS.: So is Ivan being mean and naughty for taking Joshua's sandwich?
R.S.: Apakah Ivan akan dapat masalah karena mengambil sandwich Joshua?
RS: Should Ivan get in trouble for taking Joshua's sandwich?
R.S.: Jadi, mungkin tak mengherankan jika anak itu beranggapan Ivan nakal
So it's maybe not surprising he thinks it was mean of Ivan
Video: R.S.: Apakah Ivan nakal karena mengambil
RS: Was Ivan being mean and naughty
R.S.: Jadi, hanya ketika anak berusia tujuh tahun
And so, it is not until age seven
Video: R.S.: Apakah Ivan akan kena masalah karena mengambil sandwich Joshua?
RS: Should Ivan get in trouble for taking Joshua's sandwich?
R.S.: Dia berkata anginlah yang harusnya dipersalahkan
He says the wind should get in trouble
R.S.: Ya, saya juga khawatir tentang ini.
RS: Yeah, we worry about this.
R.S.: Saya pikir itu adalah sebuah harapan yang ideal.
RS: That's one of the idealistic hopes.
R.S.: Saya harap demikian. Tapi saya pikir mereka tak akan melakukannya.
RS: I hope they do. And I think they probably won't.
R.S.: Karena hal itu bukanlah masalah kesadaran akut yang tak ada artinya.
RS: It's not called the hard problem of consciousness for nothing.
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