rally | rally |
rally | |||
rallying |
atau collaterally terhubung dengan yang or is collaterally connected with
atau spirally bergulir berputar putar or spirally revolving whirling
badan dorsoventrally diratakan meliputi sinar dorsoventrally flattened bodies includes rays
barat laut meksiko memiliki spirally northwestern mexico having spirally
bengkok spirally tunduk pada torsi crooked spirally subjected to torsion
berkelok kelok bulat itu spirally winding round it spirally
bersatu dengan pendiri rally james aligned with rally founder james
buah buahan silinder spirally memutar cylindrical fruits spirally twisted
bullying untuk rally syikal untuk bullying to rally contemptuously to
bunga dengan menonjol spirally twisted flowers with protruding spirally twisted
collaterally terhubung dengan yang lain is collaterally connected with another
collaterally terkait lebih jauh dari collaterally related more remotely than
contorted bengkok spirally tunduk pada contorted crooked spirally subjected to
dalam dewan sembilan orang rally on rally nine member board
dalam gerakan kemarin yesterday rally in yesterday rally