Indonesian to English
renta worn out
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by Xamux Translate
rentak1. 1) all at once, suddenly. 2) together, in a body. 2. stamp o.'s foot. 3. rhythm, beat.
rentanan adiabatikdiabatic susceptance
rentanan akustikacoustic susceptance
rentanan isotermalisothermal susceptance
rentanga distance, part of the way.
rentang waktustretches of time
rentang-waktu lengahtime span of discretion
rentangan waktu lengahtime spend of discretion
rentassee RETAS.

Related Word(s)

age, hath, place
ada pada rentang gelombang mikro
was in the microwave range
ada rumah dinas yang resprentatif
have a representative official housing
adalah tentang perasaan dan kerentanan
was about feelings and vulnerability
agak sakit atau rentan terhadap
somewhat ill or prone to
ahli ahli sihir akan rentan
sorcerers will be vulnerable
akan digelar serentak pekan depan
will be held next week
akan dilakukan secara serentak pada
will be conducted simultaneously on
akan memobilisasi secara serentak menyeberangi
would mobilise simultaneously across
akan merentangkan atas yerusalem tali
will stretch over jerusalem the
aku akan merentangkan atas yerusalem
i will stretch over jerusalem
amir hamzah mengatakan rentang waktu
amir hamzah stated that
anak anak yang paling rentan
children the most vulnerable children
arah secara serentak kata ghulam
directions at once said ghulam
atau berhubungan dengan atau rentan
or relating to or susceptible
atau dekat air rentan untuk
or near water prone to
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