rep | rep |
rep | |||
rep. | [Republik] republic. |
repak | crisp, fragile. |
reparasi | repairs |
repas | dry and brittle, crumbly. |
repatrian | repatriate. |
repatriasi | repatriation. |
repatriasi modal | capital repatriation |
repek | see REPET. |
repelita | [Rencana Pembangunan Lima Tahun] Five-Year Development Plan. |
reperkusi | repercussion. |
repertoar | /repertoir, repertorium/ repertory (of dance, drama, etc.). |
repes | 1 fidget. 2 waste time. |
repet | 1 chatter, blabber. 2 splatter (of an oar, etc.). |
repetan | 1. (Math.) phase (of a decimal fraction). 2. 1) empty chatter, gossip. 2) splatter. |
repetir | 1 repeat (inoculations). 2 repeating (rifle). |
repetisi | repetition, quiz |
repih | crumbly. |
repis | see REPIH. |
repliek | /replik/ (Leg.) counterplea, rejoinder. |
repolper | revolver. |
reptiles |
abadi naturalisasi dan merepotkan sebagai perennial naturalized and troublesome as
ada dilahirkan kembali atau direproduksi being born again or reproduced
adalah direpresentasikan sebagai salah satu is represented as one
adalah laporan kroll kroll report is the kroll report
adalah parasit mereproduksi itu sendiri is parasitic reproduces itself
adil ditegur irreproachable bersalah tegak justly reproved irreproachable blameless upright
adrenalin atau norepinefrin atau angiotensin epinephrine or norepinephrine or angiotensin
afrika selatan antelop strepsiceros kudu south african antelope strepsiceros kudu
agen infeksi yang mereplikasi diri infectious agent that replicates itself
agen menular ultramicroscopic yang mereplikasi ultramicroscopic infectious agent that replicates
air adalah hal yang merepotkan water is such a drag
air dan reptil darat memiliki aquatic and land reptiles having
akal representasi atau berpikir pemberitahuan sense representation or thought notice
akan merusak organ reproduksi anda would have torn reproductive organs
akan untuk berpikir tentang restrepo going to think about restrepo