Indonesian to English
resesi recession
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resesi ekonomieconomic recession

Related Word(s)

recession, sessions


berita resesi ini akan ketinggalan zaman
this particular recession is going to be old news.
Dan hal yang gila adalah -- saat itu sedang resesi, bahkan di Dubai,
And what's crazy -- there's a recession going on, even in Dubai,
untuk menghindari resesi kedua.
in order to stave off a double-dip recession.
sehingga kita berada di resesi terburuk
that we're living through the worst recession
seperti sebuah resesi, ada resesi
It's like a recession. So, there's a recession.
kita menghadapi resesi ekonomi.
that we've had an economic recession.
melewati perang dan damai, ekonomi maju dan resesi.
through war and peace, through boom times and recessions.
Kita akan melihat hal yang sama dalam resesi ekonomi yang kita lalui sekarang.
We'll see the same thing in the economic recession we're having now.
kita jadi tahu bahwa resesi akan berakhir.
and we know that a recession is about to end.
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