rombongan | |||
rombongan pencari | search party |
rombongan pengiring | entourage |
crowd, division, divisions, group, groups, ignorant, land, penalty, retinue, sections, sons, think, those, throng, tribe, troop, troupe |
Contohdengan rombongan terdepan. up there with the lead pack.
Dia berhasil mengejar rombongan terdepan She catches up with the lead pack
rombongan kecil warga Pakistan. a small Pakistani contingent to come.
rombongan ikan yang begitu pekat schools of fish that were so dense
Karena lama setelah 'rombongan internasional' ini pergi, Because long after this round of internationals left,
Dan saya melihat sang betina pimpinan rombongan sedang minum, And I watched as the matriarch drank,