Indonesian to English
salam greetings
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  1. damai
    (adem ayem, akur, aman, bahagia, baik, enak, guyub, harmoni, jenjam, kompak, nyaman, rukun, sakinah, salam, sejahtera, sentosa, syahdu, tenang, tenteram)
  2. hormat
  3. salut
  4. selamat
  5. sentosa
  6. tabik
  7. tenteram
salam dan hormatbest regards
salam hangatglad hand
salam hangat buat andai glue you my all regards
salam kamicordially yours
salam mereka untukgive their regards
salam perpisahanfarewell address
salam sejahterabest wishes
salam untukgive her good wishes
salama untukgive their good wishes
salamalaikum/salam lekum/ see ASSALAM ALAIKUM.
salamku untukgive my good wishes
salamnya untukgive his good wishes

Related Word(s)

among, be, chosen, cursed, each, forbidden, full, good, greet, greeted, greeting, greetings, greets, hail, him, kiss, laurel, nation, peace, recognized, regards, remembered, salaam, salamun, salutation, salutations, salute, send, sisters, upon, wishing


Oke? Bertahanlah. Salam damai.
All right. Stay strong. Peace.
Dia hanya ingin memberi salam kepada istrinya, karena itulah permulaan hari bagi istrinya.
He just wants to wish her a good day, because that's the start of her day.
Terima kasih, salam damai dan penuh berkah.
Thank you, and peace and blessings.
Salam untuk kalian semua dari Pakistan.
Greetings to all of you from Pakistan.
Sebelum kami menutup pembicaraan ini, dia ingin memberikan salam
Well, before we wrap it up, she would like to give a shout out
Salam damai. Terima kasih.
Peace. Thank you.
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