Indonesian to English
sama saja all the same
sama saja
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samaequal, same
sajaonly, just, exactly

Related Word(s)

alike, equal, just, same, seventy, tantamount, whether


Sama saja, hubungan sosial diperlukan
Similarly, social networks are required
Dan saya menjawab, "Oh, sama saja. Pada dasarnya sama saja."
And I go, "Oh, it's the same. It's basically the same."
Sama saja seperti pemasaran.
It's the same in marketing.
sama saja dengan memberitahu kita, "Kami akan membawa kopi Anda dua jam lagi."
is equivalent to telling us, "We'll bring you coffee in two hours."
sama saja,
it doesn't matter,
Portugal, Skotlandia, sama saja.
Portugal, Scotland, doesn't matter.
dan coal shale sama saja. Ini adalah sedikit investasi
and coal shale is the equivalent. Here are just a few of the investments
tapi intinya sama saja.
of the same explanation.
sama saja seperti menghidupkan televisi untuk menonton "Two and a Half Men" dan berhenti di sana.
it's functionally equivalent to turning on "Two and a Half Men" and calling it a day.
Maksud saya, ini sama saja dengan ketertarikan kita akan benda
I mean, this is analogous to our interest in things that
tapi pada dasarnya sama saja.
but it works just the same.
sama saja dengan menyalahkan Al Gore
would be the equivalent of blaming Al Gore
"Bukankah itu sama saja dengan kolonialisme?"
"Well, is this just bringing back colonialism?"
namun hasilnya akan sama saja di Inggris
but it sort of works the same way in Britain
Omong-omong, itu sama saja dengan Imperial College di London.
And that's no different from Imperial College in London, by the way,
sama saja kita mengumbar kata-kata kosong
it's the same dehumanizing chatter
yang sama saja dengan gunung, tebing.
meaning mountains, cliffs.
sama saja berarti kepunahan masyarakatnya.
might very well have gone extinct.
yang sama saja dengan mencetak uang.
which was the equivalent of printing money.
sebenarnya sama saja.
they're actually all the same.
seekor gajah, ataupun manusia, semuanya sama saja.
or an elephant, or a human, in between, it's the same story.
dua-duanya dianggap sama saja dengan tidak pernah.
they're both almost never.
Itu sama saja, dan dapat muncul dengan cepat.
It's the same, and it can happen very quickly.
sama saja.
they are universal.
Di India, saya menemukan situasinya sama saja.
In India, I found the situation was not a lot better.
Saat orang-orang berkata fusi masih 30 tahun lagi, dan akan selalu sama saja.
When people say fusion is 30 years away, and always will be,
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