Indonesian to English
sambil while
please wait
by Xamux Translate


  1. dengan
    (atas, bersama, bersama-sama, beserta, dan, demi, karena, lewat, melalui, memakai, menggunakan, oleh, pada, pakai, per, plus, sama, sambil, seraya, serta, serupa, tambah, via)
  2. sementara
  3. sembari
  4. seraya
  5. serta
  6. sekali lalu
sambil berdiristanding up
sambil berteriakclamant
sambil laluenpassant
sambil menangisin tears
sambil menyelam minum airkilled two birds with one stone
sambilanside line, part time, pretext

Related Word(s)

adding, and, anyhow, apparently, as, asking, bestow, breaking, carry, clutching, eyeing, fervently, flung, forcing, goodbye, gripping, hauling, he, heaving, her, holding, joyously, keep, let, looking, lord, me, moving, my, numataka, o, peace, peeling, pray


dan 26 anak itupun berbaris sambil membisu.
and the 26 children marched in looking very, very quiet.
Saya suka caranya duduk dan berbaring di atas kandangnya sambil merenungkan hal-hal besar dalam hidup.
I love the way he sits and lies on his kennel and contemplates the great things of life.
di mana sambil berbaring, ia berkata,
where he's lying there and he says,
Sambil membawa Tic Tac staf rumah-sakit,
While ringing in hospital staff's Tic Tacs,
saya sambil iseng bertanya, "Apa pekerjaanmu?"
I'd casually ask, "What do you do?"
? Sambil berbaring, kau bertanya mengapa ?
? Lying on your back, you're asking why ?
mampu menyampaikan semua ajaran Yahudi sambil berdiri dengan satu kaki.
recite the whole of Jewish teaching while he stood on one leg.
Bill Gates, sambil menatap ke penonton, dia berkata,
So Bill Gates, as he was staring out at the audience, he said,
yang digendong di punggung Ibunya sambil makan keripik,
tied to a mother's back eating chips,
Dan sambil terus menari
And as we danced and danced,
sambil membawa pisau.
and this woman was carrying a knife.
sambil menghemat uang juga.
while even saving some money.
Suatu hari, saya sedang berbaring di tempat tidur sambil menonton CNN
One day, I was lying in bed watching CNN,
SAGES melakukan operasi di seluruh dunia sambil mendidik dan mengajar ahli bedah.
SAGES does surgery all over the world, teaching and educating surgeons.
namun tidak terlalu banyak secara teknis. Dan suatu malam saya berbaring sambil berpikir.
but not so much technically. And I was actually lying in bed thinking one night.
mereka akan bertemu dan tertawa sambil minum secangkir kopi,
they're ever going to meet and laugh over a cup of coffee,
Kabar baiknya mereka tersenyum sambil memegang kopian "The 99"
The good news is they're all holding copies of The 99, smiling,
Dan kita mulai dari awal lagi sambil kembali mendekati yang selanjutnya, dan seterusnya.
and we start over again as we approach the next one, and so on.
sambil menahan buang air selama bertahun-tahun.
for years and years holding it in.
sambil sekaligus memulihkan kembali ekonominya,
and rejuvenate the economy at the same time,
Jadi sambil ia bangun dari bungkukan pertamanya ia berkata,
So as he comes up from his first bow he says,
Anda tidak bisa mengejar seekor kijang sambil menyeret masalah Anda.
You can't be hauling all your crap around, trying to chase the antelope.
Tidak bisa menjadi bagian kawanan sambil marah. Tidak bisa iri dengan yang lain.
You can't be a pissed-off pack. You can't be bearing grudges,
sambil menjaga kerahasiaan
while keeping the votes
Dan saya ingat saya melihat pada orang-orang sambil berpikir,
And I remember looking at the guys thinking,
dan dia berkata, "Benua ini tidur sambil berjalan sehingga terlupakan."
and he said, "The continent is sleepwalking into oblivion."
Dia berkata, "Ya, Sapi tidur sambil berdiri..
He was like, "Yeah. Cows sleep standing up.
atau apakah harus dengan mondar-mandir sambil melihat ke bawah?
Should it be by just walking around looking down?
dan kemudian dia nyaris berlari sambil berteriak.
and then she almost ran away screaming.
tetapi ini cenderung membuat anda bangun sambil menangis di jam tiga pagi.
but it does tend to leave you waking up crying at three o'clock in the morning.
dimana, belajar dilakukan sambil duduk,
in which it is about, learning is done while sitting,
Dan kami tidur sambil mengatur nafas di malam hari.
And we had sleep apnea at night.
sambil berdiri di depan bekas ruang tahanannya.
standing in front of his former prison cell.
sambil mereka menyatukan tanah, mereka juga menyerap air.
and as they fuse soils, they absorb water.
sambil menangis.
come to me crying.
datang kepada saya sambil menangis
he'd come to me crying,
85 mil per jam sambil memotong jalur Anda --
85 miles an hour down, lane-splitting --
Namun saya yakin hal ini dapat dilakukan sambil melindungi privasi kita
But I believe it can be done in a way that protects our privacy,
saya menyaksikan film dokumenter Jacques Cousteau sambil duduk di lantai ruang keluarga
watching Jacques Cousteau documentaries on the living room floor
dan berenang di dalamnya sambil melihat saluran pembuangan,
and swim around the bathtub and look at the drain,
menonton TV sambil berharap, "Tolonglah, bukan orang Timur Tengah.
were watching TV, going, "Please, don't be Middle Eastern.
Dia tidak berlari menuruni bukit sambil berseru, "Haleluya!"
He did not run down shouting, "Hallelujah!"
sambil berkubang dalam darah orang lain.
steeped in other people's blood.
sehingga mereka bisa menghasilkan uang sambil bermain.
so that they could make money while they were playing their games.
dan sambil mencekik saya
and he used the chokehold
sambil bermain dengan perkakas, bukan mainan.
playing with tools instead of toys.
Sambil mengerjakan desain ini,
And during a lot of this work,
Sambil kita merangkai perasaan ini,
And as we assemble these tools,
sambil tetap merasakannya.
but feeling it as I go.
sambil berjalan melewatinya,
as you walk down it,
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