Indonesian to English
sampai di sana came to it
sampai di sana
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by Xamux Translate


karena mereka tahu jika minyak itu sampai di sana,
because they knew if the oil hit,
Sampai di sana, roti itu sudah tidak ada.
He goes in there, and it's not there.
Sayangnya, saat sampai di sana -- yang ada Ray.
Unfortunately, when I got there -- emerges Ray.
Dia sama sekali tidak tersenyum saat saya sampai di sana,
He certainly wasn't smiling when I got there,
Sekarang Anda tahu bagaimana pesawat itu bisa sampai di sana.
And here's the thing. Now you know how it got there.
dan harapannya adalah saat kita sampai di sana
and we hope once it's there,
dan Anda akan sampai di sana dengan komunitas ini
but you get there with this community
Tapi ketika saya sampai di sana,
But upon arrival there,
Apakah sampai di sana?
Getting it over there?
Namun begitu sampai di sana, saya melihat
But when I got there, I found
dimana Anda harus menginjak orang lain agar sampai di sana.
but you have to step on someone else to get there.
Saya pikir kita akan sampai di sana tidak terlalu lama lagi.
I think we'll get there in the not too distant future.
tetapi belum sampai di sana.
but hasn't quite gotten there.
Apakah tipe fisi hanya sampai di sana
Is fission kind of played out,
tetapi Anda memiliki tenaga begitu sampai di sana.
but you have power once you get there.
Saya sampai di sana, dan ada enam perempuan lain, dari 183.
I get there, and there are six other women, out of 183.
Tapi, sebelum saya sampai di sana, izinkan saya berbagi dengan anda
But before I go there, please allow me to share with you
Sekarang kita belum sampai di sana, tapi hal ini terjadi.
Now we are not there yet, but it is happening.
Begitu dia sampai di sana, kami melepaskannya
Once he was there, [we] let him go
Saat saya sampai di sana, tidak ada pelanggan yang bahagia.
When I got there, we had zero happy customers.
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