Indonesian to English
sapi cow, bull
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  1. jawi
  2. lembu
  3. sampi
sapi jantan mudabullock
sapi perahdairy cattle
sapi perahanmilk-cow
sapi yakyak
sapi/ ternakkine
sapihwean a child.
sapirsee SAFIER.
sapitsee SEPIT.

Related Word(s)

a, answered, beef, bovine, bullock, bulls, calf, calves, cattle, cleave, cling, cow, cows, cult, devotion, expiate, fasting, he, heifer, her, herds, livestock, lo, lt, meat, might, must, neither, nor, ox, oxen, poor, restores, sacrifice, sacrificed, says


Jadi, anda tidak dapat memberi makan sapi otak mereka sendiri,
So like, you can't feed cows their own brains
atau anda akan mendapatkan penyakit sapi gila,
or you get mad cow disease,
Sapi milik sekolah ini
And the school cow
Dia memelihara sapi dan kambing
She reared the cows and the goats
Tapi kalau ayah pulang, dia akan menjual sapi,
But when my father came, he would sell the cows,
Entah kita bicara tentang sapi pedaging
Whether we're talking about beef cattle
saya memakai tendon Achilles dari sapi
with cow Achilles tendon,
di mana kami mengambil tendon Achilles dari sapi
where we would take the cow Achilles tendon,
Di sana ada sebuah parit, pagar dan sekumpulan sapi.
and there was a moat, a fence and a field of cows.
"Jadi, apakah kamu pernah menjungkirkan sapi?"
"So, have you ever been cow tipping?"
Saya berkata, "menjungkirkan sapi?
I was like, "Cow tipping?
Dia berkata, "Ya, Sapi tidur sambil berdiri..
He was like, "Yeah. Cows sleep standing up.
kamu bisa mendorong sapi-sapi itu sampai jatuh ke lumpur."
you can push them over and they go thud in the mud."
and mendekati sapi malang yang sedang tidur itu.
and approaching some poor, dozing cow.
Dekatilah sapi itu."
Approach the cow."
sinar mata yang berkata,"Ayo kita menjungkirkan sapi,"
the glint that says, "Let's go cow tipping,"
walaupun kami tidak pernah menjungkirkan sapi,
even though we never did tip the cow,
walaupun tidak seorangpun yang menjungkirkan sapi,
even though no one tips the cow,
walaupun sapi tidak tidur dengan berdiri.
even though cows don't sleep standing up.
Dekatilah sapi, bawalah sendal jepit,
Approach the cow, pack your flipflops,
Anak-anak lelaki dari lelaki tersebut dibuang untuk tinggal tiga kilometer jauhnya, di dalam suatu kandang sapi.
The man's sons were banished to live three kilometers away, in a cowshed.
dari sapi lokal
from happy self-actualized local cows
Jadi, ini adalah daging sapi
So, this is sold as cow,
namun apa yang terjadi saat anda menyembelih sapi --
but what happens when you slaughter a cow --
Sapi-sapi di dalam pemandangan.
Cows with a view.
Kita tidak pernah makan sapi atau ayam yang usianya 200 tahun.
We don't consume 200-year-old cows or chickens.
dikumpulkan sebagai makanan sapi.
is being gathered up to feed cows.
Mereka memelihara sapi pedaging
They raised beef cattle
entah kita bicara tentang ikan bass atau sapi pedaging.
whether we're talking about bass or beef cattle.
dan satunya lagi milik seekor sapi.
and the other is a cow.
Mungkin sapi memang memiliki kekayaan mental
Now maybe cows have a really rich
namun sapi adalah makanan kita.
but we eat them.
lebih rinci, dan fleksibel dibandingkan sapi.
elaborate and flexible behaviors than cows are.
Bukan hanya kuda, namun orang-orang memiliki sapi di loteng mereka untuk diambil susunya
Not just the horses, but people had cows in their attics that they would use for milk,
sampai susunya habis dan sapi itu mati,
until literally their milk ran out and they died,
anda melihat sapi dengan lidah yang menjulur keluar.
You see a cow with its tongue hanging out.
Yang saya lihat adalah sapi itu ingin makan sesuatu
What I see is a cow about to eat something
Jadi sapi itu, memakan tiga makanan dasar
So the cow, basically, eats three basic
sapi itu, memindahkan sapi itu, lalu membuat
eats, remove the cow, and then make
menghilangkan sapi dari hamburger ini.
removing the cow from the equation.
umumnya sapi, domba dan kambing,
mostly cattle, sheep and goats,
sapi yang terlihat kuat, seperti Merimmana primitivo di sebelah atas
of primitive, hardy-looking cattle like that Maremmana primitivo on the top there
yang disebut banteng Jawa, lalu menanamnya di dalam tubuh seekor sapi,
called the Javan banteng, put it in a cow,
sapi itu kemudian melahirkan, dan yang dilahirkan
the cow went to term, and what was born
Banyak daging sapi Kobe yang Anda lihat di AS adalah hal yang tidak asli.
A lot of the Kobe beef that you see in the U.S. is not the real thing.
Mungkin berasal dari sapi Wagyu,
It may come from Wagyu cattle,
dan aku berharap bahwa itu mungil karena daging sapi Kobe sangat kaya rasa.
and I wished that it was tinier, because Kobe beef is so rich.
untuk mengukur berat seekor sapi,
measure the weight of an ox,
dengan 6-7 sapi yang berdiri merumput
where six or seven cows stood grazing
dari gubuk sapi ini tinggal sepasang suami-istri baru
from this cow shed lives a newly married couple
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