Indonesian to English
satu sama lain each other
satu sama lain
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satuone, kesatu, pertama : first
samaequal, same
lainother, another, different, besides, not including


sehingga kita saling berbagi emosi satu sama lain.
so we share the emotions of others.
seperti orang-orang yang terhubung satu sama lain.
like pairs of people connected to each other.
hubungan yang sangat luas satu sama lain.
broad set of connections with each other.
yang mana kita secara singkat mengirim emosi satu sama lain.
in which we briefly transmit emotions to each other.
tidak hanya sepasang orang yang tersenyum satu sama lain di subway?
not just this pair of individuals smiling at each other in the subway car?
tetapi teman-teman A kenal satu sama lain,
but A's friends all know each other,
apakah temen-teman anda mengenal satu sama lain
in whether your friends know each other
Apakah teman-teman anda mengenal satu sama lain
Whether your friends know each other
suka memperkenalkan teman-teman mereka satu sama lain -- anda tau siapa anda --
like to introduce their friends to each other -- you know who you are --
dan beberapa orang dari anda menjaga mereka supaya tetap terpisah dan tidak memperkenalkan teman-teman anda ke satu sama lain.
and others of you keep them apart and don't introduce your friends to each other.
karena keuntungan hidup yang terhubungkan satu sama lain
because the benefits of a connected life
yang bergerak dan suka untuk melingkar satu sama lain,
protocells that like to circle each other,
dan mereka membentuk semacam tarian, tarian yang kompleks satu sama lain.
and they form a kind of a dance, a complex dance with each other.
satu sama lain dan mengikuti satu sama lain,
around each other and follow each other,
dan memainkannya berulang-ulang satu sama lain,
and then played it back to each other
maka mereka akan saling menunjukan satu sama lain
then they will show off with each other
tanpa komputer, tanpa kerjasama satu sama lain, dsb."
no computers, no talking to each other, etc."
saya mencurigai demikian karena mereka saling berbicara satu sama lain.
I suspect because they're discussing with each other.
menyadari posisi dari hubungan kita satu sama lain,
realizing the place of our connection to one another,
bertarung satu sama lain dari parit perlindungan,
fought each other in the trenches,
mereka saling mendukung satu sama lain.
they're all supporting each other.
Orang-orang mulai saling mengenal satu sama lain.
People started to get to know each other.
dan dikalikan satu sama lain,
all multiplied together,
itu adalah lima buah bilangan dua yang dikalikan satu sama lain.
those five little twos multiplied together.
pria dan wanita tidak pernah melihat satu sama lain telanjang.
but men and women can't ever see each other naked, Mom.
dan kita saling memengaruhi secara mendalam satu sama lain.
and we are deeply interpenetrated, one with another.
dan kita saling berbaur satu sama lain sejak itu.
and we mixed with each other ever since.
tapi juga untuk membantu satu sama lain.
but also help each other.
Berapa lama kita sudah berkembang terpisah satu sama lain?
How long have we been divergent from each other?
telah berpisah satu sama lain -- ini adalah zaman pasca-Darwin --
had been diverging from each other -- this was in the post-Darwinian era --
Lalu mereka mundur dan melihat satu sama lain
So they pulled back and they were looking at each other,
dan bagaimana posisi kita dibandingkan satu sama lain
and where we are in relation to each other
didasarkan pada pengetahuan mendalam antara satu sama lain.
is based on intimate knowledge, one of the other.
Namun, walaupun kita tidak mengenal satu sama lain,
Nevertheless, even though we don't know each other,
tapi mereka jelas dapat saling melihat kemampuan satu sama lain.
but they can all obviously see what each other can do.
mereka melihat satu sama lain, mereka belajar dari satu sama lain.
they're seeing each other, they're learning from each other.
Kita memicu satu sama lain.
We spark off each other.
Memicu satu sama lain.
sparking off each other.
Dan komunitas global unicyclist menemukan satu sama lain secara online,
And a global community of unicyclists discover each other online,
menginspirasi satu sama lain mencapai puncak.
inspire each other to greatness.
dapat mulai saling mengerti satu sama lain lebih baik."
start understanding each other a little bit better."
membantu mereka ketika mereka akan menghancurkan satu sama lain.
helped them when they were on the verge of destroying each other.
mengirimkan pesan elektronik dalam botol satu sama lain.
sending electronic messages in bottles to each other.
yang menghargai kontribusi satu sama lain pada masyarakat itu.
who appreciate the contributions each other makes to society.
tapi satu sama lain berbeda pada satu hal,
but they differ from each other based on their tips,
Sebab sesungguhnya Al Qur'an selalu mengajak kita untuk mengingat, untuk mengingatkan satu sama lain,
For the Koran always urges us to remember, to remind each other,
Dan mereka bergaduh satu sama lain karena,
And they have a fight and an argument because
dan saling menukarnya, satu sama lain,
and flip between them, one after the other,
Semua terhubung. Semua terkait satu sama lain.
It's connected; it all hooks into each other.
sebagian untuk tujuan mempercayai satu sama lain,
in part for the purpose of trusting each other,
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