secara baik | for well |
secara baik | |||
secara | 1 in a......manner. 2 on... a scale. 3 as (if). 4 according to, in accordance with. |
baik | good, fine, kind, healthy, yes, all right |
appropriately, better, good, properly |
Contohhak kita berikan akan diberikan secara baik. any right we give away will be given away for good.
Kami membuang limbah kami secara baik, kami mengikuti We dispose of our waste properly, we follow
Pekerja diperlakukan secara baik atau buruk Workers are treated as well or as badly
berlangsung secara baik dan kokoh run smoothly and firmly
dapat dipahami secara baik oleh can be better understood by
diperhitungkan secara baik agar penanganannya reckoned properly so its handling
kemudian dapat diselesaikan secara baik could then be appropriately resolved
pun harus diperhitungkan secara baik should also be reckoned properly