Indonesian to English
secara cepat rapid fire
secara cepat
please wait
by Xamux Translate
secara1 in a......manner. 2 on... a scale. 3 as (if). 4 according to, in accordance with.
cepatfast, speedy, quick

Related Word(s)

quickly, rapid, rapidly


Saya akan menayangkannya secara cepat.
I'll just run them very quickly through.
Lebah tidak dapat membentuk sistem kerja sama baru secara cepat.
the bees cannot reinvent the social system overnight.
Tapi secara cepat saja --
But just very quickly --
Saya harus menjelaskannya secara cepat. Ini adalah serangkaian eksperimen.
I'll have to really rush through this. They're a set of experiments.
Arus ini terus meningkat secara cepat.
These flows are increasing very rapidly.
Meskipun ya, sulit untuk dijelaskan, tapi ada gerakan secara cepat.
So yeah, it was difficult to explain, but there was a grassroots movement.
Kembali secara cepat,
Coming back quickly,
jadi kita harus beranjak dari meningkat secara cepat
so we have to go from rapidly rising
yang secara cepat mengubur tulang anda.
where your bones will be rapidly buried.
yang larut secara cepat
which dissolves quickly
Yang berubah secara cepat dengan bantuan teknologi genomik.
But that is changing rapidly with the aid of new genomic technology.
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