Indonesian to English
secara resmi in an official way
secara resmi
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by Xamux Translate
secara1 in a......manner. 2 on... a scale. 3 as (if). 4 according to, in accordance with.
resmilegitimate, official, formal

Related Word(s)

formally, legally, official, officially, ordinarily


mobil ini secara resmi "dirancang untuk penggunaan off-road."
it is now officially "designed for occasional off-road use."
yang secara resmi disebut kalkulus dental.
that is called officially dental calculus.
dapat diuji di jalan-jalan Nevada secara resmi.
to test it on the roads in Nevada.
persis satu bulan setelah akses ke secara resmi ditutup.
was exactly one month after the official blocking of
dan menyatakan secara resmi bahwa itu adalah serangan teror.
and formally confirm it as a terror strike.
Bagian belakang tangan secara resmi disebut opisthenar.
The back of the hand is formally called the opisthenar.
seperti yang telah dilaporkan secara resmi beberapa hari sebelumnya
as had been officially reported only a few days earlier
"doodle" secara resmi artinya
To doodle officially means
dan secara resmi didiagnosis pada tahun 2005.
and he was officially diagnosed in 2005.
bahwa tuntutan ini secara resmi diterima oleh pengadilan Khmer Merah.
that the complaint was officially accepted by the Khmer Rouge Tribunal.
Saya secara resmi beristirahat dari bernyanyi
I officially took a break from singing,
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