Indonesian to English
segala macam every kind
segala macam
please wait
by Xamux Translate
segalaall, entirely, wholly
macamkind, sort, type

Related Word(s)

every, everything


Dan kita mulai menjelajahi segala macam fenomena yang lain.
And we started exploring all kinds of other phenomena.
tetapi segala macam fenomena yang lain --
but all kinds of other phenomena --
Kita mencoba melakukan segala macam rekayasa genetik
we're trying to do all sorts of genetics
dan segala macam hal itu,
and all those kinds of things
dan ada segala macam grafik ini
and there are all these sorts of graphs
segala macam aplikasi dapat berjalan.
all sorts of applications can play out,
Kami akan menggunakan segala macam cara --
And we will utilize all kinds of things --
toko ahli kunci yang punya segala macam pelayanan
keysmith's shops that has to have every service
dan segala macam ketidakstabilan yang ditimbulkannya.
and what sort of instability it creates.
Kita menemukan segala macam cara untuk mengubah batasan tentang apa yang kita ketahui sekarang.
We're finding all kinds of ways to push back the limits of what we know.
segala macam kehidupan bawah laut dalam
all kinds of deep sea marine life
dan bisa berbagi segala macam kegiatan di sekitar rumahnya ,
and to be able to share all kinds of other activities around the house,
dan saya berpikir, Ya, ada segala macam gantungan jas di sana.
So I was just like, well there's all kinds of coat hangers.
dan mereka menembus segala macam teknologi
and they transcend all technology
Mereka membawa segala macam komputer yang berbeda dengan mereka.
They brought all sorts of different computers with them.
Mereka memiliki segala macam format data yang berbeda.
They had all sorts of different data formats,
Segala macam, semua jenis sistem dokumentasi.
all sorts, all kinds of documentation systems.
Data -- Anda dapat melakukan segala macam hal dengan komputer.
Data -- you can do all kinds of stuff with a computer.
Segala macam hal konseptual, sekarang memiliki nama yang dimulai dengan HTTP.
All kinds of conceptual things, they have names now that start with HTTP.
ada data tentang pembicaraan, dan ada berita dan segala macam hal.
there's data about talks, and there's news and there's all kinds of stuff.
tukang cukur, segala macam.
the barbers, everything.
melakukan hal yang sama untuk segala macam serangan belakangan.
are doing the same work today for the attacks of last week.
Segala macam hewan liar, apapun itu.
OK? And you can consider all sorts of different bush meat.
yang menerima segala macam masukan dari orang-orang biasa --
that received all this kind of input from ordinary people --
yang sekarang sedang melakukan segala macam algoritma
that's now doing all sorts of algorithmic things
untuk membuat segala macam plastik yang kita nikmati setiap hari.
to make all the wonderful plastics that we enjoy each and every day.
Tapi tentu saja, ada segala macam pertanyaan
But still, there were all kinds of questions
segala macam bagian yang akan mengakibatkan mereka berubah bentuk,
all of the various parts that will cause them to change their shape,
tapi juga segala macam epidemi.
but also to predict epidemics of all sorts of kinds.
dari segala macam jenis sumber sekarang ini untuk melakukannya.
from all kinds of sources nowadays [to do this].
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