selat | |||
selat behring | behring strait |
selat bosponus | bosporus strait |
selat dardanella | dardanella strait |
selat jibraltal | gibraltal strait |
selat lombok | lombok strait |
selat makassar | makassar strait |
selat malaka | malacca strait |
selat sunda | sunda strait |
selat torres | torres strait |
selatan | south |
selatan-baratdaya | south-southwest |
channel, strait, straits |
ContohJadi setelah lima hari melintasi Selat Drake -- So after five days of crossing the Drake Passage --
Setelah lima hari melintasi Selat Drake -- after five days of crossing the Drake Passage,
di Selat Santa Barbara. was in Santa Barbara Channel.
di Selat Bab-el-Mandeb terus ke Samudera Hindia, down the Bab-el-Mandeb strait and into the Indian Ocean,
dipisahkan dari Amerika Utara oleh selat yang lebih kecil is separated from South America by a much narrower straight,
Dan di sana terjadi perdagangan antar selat and there was trading contact across that straight