Indonesian to English
selek see SELAK 2.
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selekas mungkinas soon as posible
selekas-lekasnyaas quickly as possible, as soon as possible
selekehstain, spot.
selekoh1 a bend. 2 bastion, work in fortress that throusts outward.
seleksi diferensialdifferencial selection
seleksi diriself-selection
seleksi orangselection of people
seleksi perlengkapan kantoroffice equipment selection
seleksi proyekproject selection
seleksi tidak ilmiahnon-scientific selection
selektor antenaaerial selector
adsorbed secara selektif untuk membentuk
are adsorbed selectively to form
atau akankah kita selektif memilih
or will we selectively choose
atau seleksi esp kitab suci
or selection esp of scripture
bahwa seleksi alam akan memainkan
that selection will play
bahwa seleksi alam dan mutasi
that natural selection and mutation
berdasarkan pencocokan pola secara selektif
based on pattern matching selectively
campuran adsorbed secara selektif untuk
mixture are adsorbed selectively to
dalam proses evaluasi dan seleksi
the evaluation and selection process
dan membuka proses seleksi para
and open the selection of
dan qoriah telah melewati seleksi
and qoriah have been selected
dari hewan domestik tidak selektif
of domestic animals not selectively
dari membran secara selektif permeabel
of a membrane selectively permeable
dengan kebetulan dan seleksi alamiah
by coincidences and natural selection
dengan kriteria seleksi yang disepakati
to agreed selection criteria
dengan seleksi cpns dki ini
to the test
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