selokan | |||
selokan aliran besi | iron-runner |
selokan buai | rocking through |
selokan gantung | hanging jigging conveyor |
selokan pendingin | cooling channel |
selokan pengeringan | catch pit |
selokan-buai | oscillating trough |
selokan-buang | drainage-ditch |
selokan-endap | settling ditch |
selokan-jalan | street-ditch |
selokan-kocok | shaking conveyor |
selokan-muat | delivery chute |
selokan-pokok | main runner |
selokan-transpor | transport-chute |
selokan-tuang | casting gutter |
ditch, ditches, gullies, gully, gutter, gutters, sewer, sewers, straits |
Contohmemasang sistem selokan dan pengolahan air limbah installed systems of sewers and wastewater treatment
Selokan kita runtuh. Our sewers are crumbling.
terowongan, selokan, saluran air, tunnels, sewers, aqueducts,
hingga baru-baru ini, saat saya berada di selokan kota London. until recently, when I was in the London sewers.
Jadi, Anda tahu, orang yang putus asa di selokan bisa menggunakan ini. So, you know, people who are in desperate straits can get this.
Dan mereka sudah mulai membangun selokan di London And they had already started building the sewers in London,
dari air dari selokan sawah. from a sewage plant farm.
maka benda itu akan kembali ke atas seperti selokan mampat. can get backed up like a sewer line that's clogged.