Indonesian to English
semacam a certain kind.
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  1. sebangun
    (identik, persis, sama, serupa)
  2. sebentuk
  3. sejenis
  4. seragam
  5. seroma
  6. seroman
  7. serupa
  8. sewarna
  9. sebagai
  10. sama dengan
  11. selaku


  1. aneka
    (banyak, berbagai macam, berjenis-jenis, bermacam-macam, serbaserbi, varia)
semacam akordionconcertina
semacam anjing kecilpug
semacam bihunvermicelli
semacam buahquince
semacam burung di aswhippoorwill
semacam burung lauttern
semacam drum/tamburtimpani
semacam gendangtom-tom
semacam ikan air tawartrout
semacam kelembakrhubarb
semacam kenariwalnut
semacam kips anginpunkah
semacam kue manispound cake
semacam kue serabislapjack
semacam kunyitsaffron
semacam labupumpkin
semacam minuman tuaktoddy
semacam musangweasel
semacam obat pencuci perutmilk of magnesia
semacam penyakit muluttrench mouth

Related Word(s)

a, alike, beneath, essentially, hedge, hour, hypothetical, keep, kind, level, like, mankind, of, present, some, sort, such, thoughts


Ada kata teknis bagi orang-orang semacam itu di lab saya.
So there's a technical word for these people in my lab.
sederhananya, semacam, waktu yang singkat.
in simple, sort of, brief periods of time.
Dan mungkin ada semacam stereotipe
and this is probably stereotypically
dan semua hal semacam itu.
and all of this.
suatu upaya untuk menciptakan semacam kehidupan buatan
trying to create a kind of artificial life.
Kehidupan pun memiliki semacam informasi yang dapat diturunkan.
Life also has a kind of inheritable information.
satu atau lebih karakteristik kehidupan semacam ini.
one or more of these characteristics of life.
Anda mungkin berpikir ini semacam
You might think of this as kind of like a
semacam biologi sintetis
kind of synthetic biology:
sangat penting di jenis sistem kehidupan semacam ini.
important in these kinds of living systems.
dan mereka membentuk semacam tarian, tarian yang kompleks satu sama lain.
and they form a kind of a dance, a complex dance with each other.
dan juga mereka nampak memiliki semacam
and also they appear to have some kind of
bukan semacam kondisi steril laboratorium.
not sort of sterile laboratory conditions.
Jadi, melakukan eksperimen-eksperimen kehidupan buatan semacam ini
So, doing these artificial life experiments
Ada semacam penghafalan
There was photographic recall
kenapa daftar semacam ini belum pernah ada sebelumnya?
why on Earth was such a list never done before?
Beberapa minggu kemudian, kami mulai menerima pesan semacam
It was a few weeks later, we started receiving all these
semacam kekuatan keamanan yang semakin meraja ini.
this prevailing kind of force of security.
karena panggul saya, dan saya semacam memerlukan sebuah tanda.
because of my hip, and I kind of needed a sign.
Dia sangat kaya dan dia adalah semacam
He was a very wealthy man, and a sort of,
membawa semacam penyembuhan
to bring some kind of remedy
di masa ketika perlakuan semacam itu masih merupakan bentuk pujian.
back when that was a compliment.
dan mereka membawa saya ke dalam sebuah masyarakat, semacam
and they brought me into a society, the sort of underground
semacam Pasukan Penari Luar Biasa (Legion of Extraordinary Dancers)
sort of a -- the Legion of Extraordinary Dancers,
semacam urutan untuk pemulihan,
some kind of successional sequence of recovery,
dari semacam rangkaian kepunahan
of a kind of serial depletion
dan alat perekam menjadi semacam
and tape recorders became my sort of pre-computer
Ini semacam rahasia busuk dari kemiskinan,
It's kind of like the dirty, little secret of poverty,
semacam kebun dipadukan dengan internet --
sort of victory gardens meets the Internet.
mutasi semacam itu
of such mutations
semacam jalan tol bagi sepeda,
sort of bicycle highways,
Kesempatan semacam ini seharusnya diberikan ke anak laki-laki. Kita tidak bisa mendukung hal ini."
This should have been given to a boy. We can't do this."
Ada semacam energi di sana,
There was an energy there,
untuk mencari semacam kesunyian lingkungan
to find a kind of environmental silence
Perusahan itu memiliki seorang anak berlari melalui lapangan, atau semacam itu.
It has a child running through a field, or something like that.
yang akan berbenih, semacam katedral benih.
that would be seeds, some kind of seed cathedral.
memberi kami semacam petunjuk
gave us some kind of clue
itu semacam garing dan lembut,
that it was kind of crunchy and soft,
Jadi ada semacam sup purba.
So we have some kind of primordial soup.
lalu akan terjadi semacam molekul Darwin,
and then it sets up a kind of molecular Darwinism,
tidak karena saya ingin memberikan anda semacam tour Starbuck
not because I want to give you the kind of Starbucks tour
semacam tanda khas dari perilaku yang muncul
kind of signature behavior that shows up
Semacam kilatan pemahaman,
We have the kind of the flash of insight,
yang dengan jelas menyiarkan semacam sinyal.
that's obviously broadcasting some kind of signal.
Dan ternyata Weiffenbach adalah semacam seorang ahli
And it turns out Weiffenbach is kind of an expert
dan tidak berapa lama, mereka befikir, "Wah, hal ini adalah semacam sejarah.
And before long, they think, "Well jeez, this is kind of historic.
Dan mereka mulai menulis semacam tanda tanggal, tanda waktu
And they start writing the kind of date stamp, time stamps
Saya tidak sering menggunakan tatapan semacam itu
I didn't use that stare very often,
semacam kebahagiaan kelas dua
some second-class happiness
semacam Perbandingan Agama dan Perbandingan Sastra.
such as comparative religion and comparative literature.
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