semakin tinggi | excelsior |
semakin tinggi | |||
semakin | more and more |
tinggi | high, tall, advanced |
higher, increasing |
ContohDan angka ini akan semakin tinggi, And by the way, all of these numbers are significantly higher
dan semakin tinggi letaknya, ada lebih banyak angin, dan lebih banyak energi -- and more height is where the more wind is, and more power --
Semakin tinggi anda, semakin penting diri anda untuk peradaban. The more you will rise, the more you will be important for the civilization.
Semakin tinggi anda akan naik, untuk melihat jauh dan tinggi, seperti itu, The more you will rise, to see far and high, like that,
semakin tinggi gaji, semakin banyak orang-orang super-kreatif per kapita, saat Anda semakin besar, higher wages, more super-creative people per capita as you get bigger,
bahwa jika ekspor meningkat, perdagangan meningkat, tingkat penyebarannya akan semakin tinggi. that if we gave people more exports, more trade, that that would increase prevalence.
Semakin lama, gedung menjadi semakin tinggi dan besar, Over time, the buildings got taller and bigger,
saat daerahnya semakin tinggi ke pegunungan. as we go up into the mountain system.
semakin banyak selang udara, atau semakin tinggi intensitas selang More puffs, or more intense puffs,
Anda melihat grafik batang ini semakin lama semakin tinggi What you see is that these bars are systematically taller
yang berarti semakin tinggi suhunya, which means the higher the temperature you go to,