semula | since, originally |
semula | |||
again, anew, arms, back, before, beginning, being, earlier, first, foreordaining, former, formerly, had, halls, home, immigrants, initial, initially, its, land, medco, optimally, original, originally, perturbed, previous, previously, reinstating, setting |
Contohdan otak kembali ke keadaan semula -- and cause the brain to be restored to its initial state --
Kami mempertahankan kebun yang semula ada di sana We manage to keep the garden that was there
dan jawaban itu sering berbeda dengan yang semula Anda pikirkan and it's often different than the simple answer that you started with.
persis seperti semula. back together exactly as it was before.
dan menghasilkan iklim yang sama seperti semula? and produce a climate sort of back to what it was originally?
Mungkin Anda mengira untuk kembali ke kecepatan semula butuh delapan tahun, You would think it might take eight years to go back to the same speed,
Anda lihat masalahnya? Apa yang semula membuat Anda bertahan hidup you see what the problem is? What once made you safe
Yg semula dimaksudkan untuk memotivasi penemuan, Meant to be a way to incentivize invention,
apa yang semula tampak sebagai situasi yang buruk what appears at first to be a bad situation,
dari maksud pembangunannya semula, from whatever perhaps intended for,
dalam dunia media dimana yang semula pemirsa in a world of media where the former audience
Jadi semua orang kembali seperti semula. So everyone's back in the room, okay.
dan akhirnya kita gagal, sudah pasti, dan kembali seperti semula. and ultimately it fails of course, and then we're back into this thing.
seperti semula. that it took in the first place.
dengan arah semula. it went in the first place.