semut | ant |
semut | |||
ant, ants, art, emmet, its, length, lowly, my, naml, thy |
Contohseperti koloni serangga, lebah, dan semut -- like the social insects, the bees, the ants --
Apakah Microsoft seekor semut merah raksasa? Is Microsoft a great big anthill?
agar kita berperilaku tertentu? Semut otak, secara parasistis, to get us to behave in certain ways? The ant's brain, parasitized,
Sebuah koloni semut yang berasal dari Argentina kini There's an ant colony from Argentina that has now
maksud saya, pikirkanlah tentang para semut. because, I mean, think of ants.
Kebanyakan semut diprogram untuk saling mengikuti You know, most ants are programmed to follow one another
dalam barisan yang panjang, namun ada beberapa semut, along in a long line, but there are a couple of ants,
mungkin 1 persen dari semut itu yang tidak, itulah yang mereka sebut maybe one percent of those ants, that are what they call
semut perintis, dan merekalah yang berkeliling. pioneer ants, and they're the ones that wander off.
Namun semut itu, walaupun kebanyakan tidak kembali, But those ants, even though most of them get wiped out,
semut-semut itulah yang penting bagi kelangsungan hidup those ants are the ones that are essential to the survival
Rumah kami dihancurkan oleh semut tukang kayu. Our house was being destroyed by carpenter ants.
yang membunuh semut tukang kayu, juga rayap. that kill carpenter ants, as well as termites.
saya menaruhnya tepat di mana segerombol semut tukang kayu I put it right where a bunch of carpenter ants
di rumah saya, dan semut-semut itu tertarik pada miseliumnya, in my house, and the ants were attracted to the mycelium,
miselium dimakan oleh semut, the mycelium is consumed by the ants,
terhadap semut tukang kayu, rayap dan semut api. against carpenter ants, termites and fire ants.
Bayangkanlah semut-semut pada salah satu kertas You can imagine ants on one of them
dan tidak tahu ada semut yang lain pada kertas lainnya. not being aware of another population of ants on the other.
Tentu saja, ada gula ada semut; And of course, nothing succeeds like success;
Semut adalah contoh klasik; pekerja bekerja untuk ratu dan ratu bekerja untuk pekerja. Ants are a classic example; workers work for queens and queens work for workers.
Mereka mengamati bagaimana semut dan lebah They are looking at how ants and bees
dan mereka menyebut diri mereka "kaum semut" and they call themselves "tribe of ants."
yang dapat dibandingkan dengan semut dalam ukuran normal. that would challenge an ant in relative size.
semut, semut bermain. ants. Ants play.
dan akhirnya semut. and finally and definitively, an ant period.
Pada saat kuliah,saya adalah seorang ahli semut (mirmekologis) yang setia, By my college years, I was a devoted myrmecologist,
spesialis biologi semut, a specialist on the biology of ants,
dalam pencarian semut langka di hutan-hutan pegunungan di Cuba, searching for rare ants found in the mountain forests of Cuba,
semut yang bersinar dibawah cahaya matahari -- ants that shine in the sunlight --
Saya menemukan semut ajaib saya, setelah berjuang keras memanjat gunung I found my magical ants, but only after a tough climb into the mountains
I untuk spesies invasif seperti semut api, kerang zebra, dan rumput sapu I is for the invasive species like the fire ants, the zebra mussels, broom grasses