sengit | |||
sengit/galak | fierce |
acrimonious, battle, bitter, defiance, division, fierce, fiercely, glory, heavy, horrific, hostility, spirited, tenaciously, vigorously, virulent |
Contohdengan persaingan yang sengit, of the Korean school system,
ini memang sebuah perjuangan yang sangat sengit, it was a very difficult battle as well,
Kita memahami bahwa hal ini akan menjadi jauh lebih sengit We understand that these will become much more virulent,
Dan saya terkejut karena ada debat sengit and I was stunned that there was a heated debate
debat tentang mamografi akan terus sengit, the mammography debate will rage on,
Baru-baru ini saya berhadapan dengan sesuatu yang sengit Where I ran into the most heat from this most recently
dan menurut kami persaingan ini sangat sengit and we think it's the intense competition
pertengkaran sengit tentang ideologi di dalam Kongres. ideological food fights on the floor of Congress.
dan bahkan tentang pertanyaan yang lebih sengit diributkan and even with a fiercely contested question