Indonesian to English
seperti anda as you
seperti anda
please wait
by Xamux Translate
sepertilike, as


banyak yang seperti Anda di sejarah Filsafat Barat,
well, you have a lot of company in the history of Western philosophy,
Seperti Anda tahu, ketika Anda menaruh minyak dan air bersamaan,
As you know, when you put oil and water together,
Ada orang yang tidak seperti Anda. Orang-orang yang Anda sebut musuh,
There are people not like you -- people who you now call enemies.
seperti Anda melihat garis-garis
the way you can see the rows
Dan saya duduk seperti Anda di kursi penonton.
And I sat like you guys there in the audience.
Seperti Anda lihat hanya ada tanah kuning
As you can see there's only yellow terrain.
Dengan bantuan dari orang-orang seperti Anda
With the help of people like you,
Dan seperti Anda kebanyakan, saya ragu, saya tidak percaya
And like most of you, I suspect, I don't really believe
dan lebih penting lagi, ketika pemilih seperti Anda dan saya
and more importantly, when voters like you and me
Seperti Anda ketahui, Darwin menjelaskan tentang kehidupan setelah kehidupan itu dimulai.
You know, Darwin explained life after it got started,
Konsekuensi kedua, kami melupakan orang-orang seperti Anda.
The second cost was that we forgot about you people.
dan membantu orang-orang seperti Anda untuk melakukan hal yang sama.
and to help someone just like you do the same thing.
dan bahwa dengan kehadiran dan bantuan orang-orang seperti Anda sekalian di sini,
and that, with the presence and help of people like you here,
tapi -- seperti mimpi buruk yang bisa anda dapatkan, seperti anda seorang penipu,
but -- you know the nightmare you can have, like you are an impostor,
dan semuanya akan runtuh seperti Anda dan saya.
and they all die like you and me.
Seperti Anda katakan, ada banyak sekali pilihan
And as you just mentioned, there's lots of choices out there
Seperti Anda bisa lihat, sistemnya sangat rumit dan luas.
As you can see, the system is very complex and vast.
menulis seperti Anda berbicara.
sometimes write like you speak.
karena hal ini seperti Anda berdiri di sekitar api unggun.
because it's a little like you or I sitting around a campfire:
Isinya hal-hal yang seperti anda duga:
They're the things you would expect:
Namun seperti Anda lihat, ini masih umum.
But you see, it's still generic.
diperlukan para ilmuwan terlatih seperti Anda dalam jumlah besar.
requires a vastly larger population of scientifically trained people like you.
Kami ingin sebuah dunia di mana semua anak, sama seperti Anda,
We want a world in which every child, just like you guys,
Seperti Anda bisa lihat dalam penjelasannya, jika Anda melihat pada bagian atas
As you can see from the fine print, if you can read it at the top:
Seperti Anda lihat, beberapa penumpang kereta api terdahulu
And as you can see, some of the earliest train passengers
Dan seperti Anda lihat pada peta-peta London ini,
And as you can see from these maps of London,
Karena saya membayangkan direktur ini berkata, "Maz, saya rasa karakter seperti anda
Because I imagine the director: "Maz, I think your character
Anda tidak melihat benih wortel sama seperti Anda melihat beruang panda,
You don't look in the eyes of a carrot seed quite in the way you do a panda bear,
karena, seperti anda tahu, pembuatan roti sangat mirip dengan pembuatan bir.
because, as you know, bread-making is very similar to beer-making.
Anda perlu melihatnya seperti Anda melihat penyelamatan di gunung.
You need to look at it in the way that you look at mountain rescue.
sama seperti Anda mengingat hari-hari baik.
just as much as it is important to remember the [good] days.
dan lebih-seperti anda tahu- menyenangkan.
and more, you know, enjoyable.
Jadi, seperti anda tahu, kita mempunyai perangkat lunak open-source (terbuka),
So, you know, we have open source software,
dimana orang-orang seperti anda dan saya berkreasi
where people like you and me remix and match
Jadi, orang-orang brilian seperti anda diperlukan
So it's going to take brilliant people like you
namun seperti Anda lihat, semua, atau hampir semua hujan itu,
But as you can see, all of that rain, almost of all it,
berubah menjadi gurun seperti Anda lihat di sini.
are turning to desert as you see here.
Dunia ini memerlukan orang-orang seperti Anda. Terima kasih.
The world needs people like you. Thank you.
dan kreativitas orang-orang seperti Anda.
and the creativity of people like yourselves.
Dan seperti anda lihat pada gambar,
And as you can see from the visuals,
Kami akan mengelolanya seperti Anda mengelola kapal selam nuklir
And within that, we're going to run it just like you run a nuclear submarine,
Kecanggungan sosial seperti Anda menjadi orang asing di negeri asing.
It's a social awkwardness like you're a stranger in a foreign land.
Anda tahu, penonton seperti anda, ya,
You know, audiences like you, yeah,
Mereka tidak seperti Anda yang dapat duduk
They're not like all of you who can sit in rows
Vertebra pada L1 seperti Anda menjatuhkan kacang,
The vertebra at L1 was like you'd dropped a peanut,
Dan seperti anda ketahui, tidak banyak yang bisa saya lakukan,
And, you know, there's not much -- there wasn't much I could do,
Seperti anda memiliki telepon yang dapat berubah menjadi radio
it's like you had a phone that could turn into a radio
Lalu memiliki otak besar, seperti Anda tahu,
Now having a large brain, as you know,
Ini seperti Anda mengisi bensin Anda di tahun 1998,
That's the equivalent of you filling up your car with gas in 1998,
Dan karena, seperti Anda tahu,
And because, as you know,
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