Indonesian to English
seperti sebelum as it was before
seperti sebelum
please wait
by Xamux Translate
sepertilike, as


seperti sebelum anda menggerakkannya?
as before you moved it?
Ia kelihatan persis seperti sebelum saya memulainya.
It looks like it did before it started.
Dan ia masih kelihatan sama seperti sebelum saya putar.
and still it looks like it did before I started.
yang akan membuatnya sama seperti sebelum saya mulai?
which would leave it like I did before I started?
hal itu hampir seperti tanpa makna, dalam hal seperti sebelum waktu itu ada.
it would almost be meaningless, in the sense as before time.
untuk menjalani kembali hidup seperti sebelum perang.
to regain their pre-war lives.
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