Indonesian to English
seperti telah as these have been
seperti telah
please wait
by Xamux Translate
sepertilike, as

Related Word(s)

as, certainly


seperti telah dikatakan, pohon ini memiliki
but that being said, you see that this has
Saya merasa seperti telah ditahan di dalam air,
I feel like I had been held underwater,
dan berbicara dengan wartawan seperti telah terbiasa.
and spoke to the whole press as if she was a veteran.
akses sama seperti telah didefinisikan
same access as already defined
amerika utara seperti telah dilakukan
north america as they had
bidang kesehatan seperti telah dijelaskan
health sector as was explained
dan seperti telah kami turunkan
and we revealed
memerintah yang sama seperti telah
rule equally such as was
rumah tangga karena seperti telah
households because as already
seperti telah diberitakan sebelumnya kebakaran
as reported earlier the fire
seperti telah dijelaskan pada subbab
as was explained in subchapter
seperti telah dikemukakan sebelumnya bahwa
as previously noted
seperti telah dilaporkan sebelumnya wallace
as i reported earlier wallace
seperti telah diperkirakan semua komponen
as expected all components of
seperti telah disinggung pada bab
as mentioned in chapter
seperti telah ditegaskan sebelumnya pedagang
as previously noted the traders
seperti telah diulas pada subbab
as described in section
seperti telah diuraikan pada bagian
as already written in section
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